100k+ item, good or bad?
A quick survey on how player feel about current GW's in-game economy.
How do you feel about the 100k+ items?
A - Dislike:
Overprice, not necessary, discourage to casual gamer, promote leetism and farmer, should have more enforcment to keep the price down.
B - Like:
It help the economy, encourage playing, perceive value is still value, as long as there is a supply and demand, price can go as whatever.
C - Don't Care: Whatever.
oh, and answer with the mind that it could help toward changing A.net's econ policy, of should they try to keep on encourage the 100k+ item, or find a way to keep price down.
How do you feel about the 100k+ items?
A - Dislike:
Overprice, not necessary, discourage to casual gamer, promote leetism and farmer, should have more enforcment to keep the price down.
B - Like:
It help the economy, encourage playing, perceive value is still value, as long as there is a supply and demand, price can go as whatever.
C - Don't Care: Whatever.
oh, and answer with the mind that it could help toward changing A.net's econ policy, of should they try to keep on encourage the 100k+ item, or find a way to keep price down.
Overpriced, not necessary, but something that keeps the hardcore grinders/farmers/pvers(whatever you want to call them) aiming for that nice looking thing with the stats of that weapons crafter one.
Gold is meaningless, so it really doesn't matter what idiots pay for items. >.>
Gold is meaningless, so it really doesn't matter what idiots pay for items. >.>
Knightsaber Sith
I paid 100k +5 ecto for kanaxai's edge (when it actually costed 100k +40ecto). I'd say it was worth it cause I like the Crenellated skin and the stats are perfect too.
if you want it, pay for it. I even feel sometimes prices on rare items are so low. 100k is nothing for pver that digs skins. let me ask you, without trading, is it easier to get 100k or the 15^50 weapon with the skin of your choice?
if you want it, pay for it. I even feel sometimes prices on rare items are so low. 100k is nothing for pver that digs skins. let me ask you, without trading, is it easier to get 100k or the 15^50 weapon with the skin of your choice?
I say C, since I picked C thats all I'll say
It depends...
Can you get the exact same stats on an item for cheap?
If you can then, C. If its a vanity item, farm away(I know I probably won't).
If you can only get those stats on that item, or it would cost almost as much/even more to get those stats on an item, then A. There is no reason to have to pay that much for a item with special stats. It should be looks only that are expensive.
Can you get the exact same stats on an item for cheap?
If you can then, C. If its a vanity item, farm away(I know I probably won't).
If you can only get those stats on that item, or it would cost almost as much/even more to get those stats on an item, then A. There is no reason to have to pay that much for a item with special stats. It should be looks only that are expensive.
These are all vanity items, so it's fine for people to spend on what makes them feel happy. People should not be so concerned whether other people farm.
These are all vanity items, so it's fine for people to spend on what makes them feel happy. People should not be so concerned whether other people farm.
The Millard
definetly c i could care less
Malice Black
B - every online game has some sort of economy so why should this one be any different. Dropping the prices will actually reduce the number of players as some of the hardcore farmers will just pack up and leave.
As for the reason you put for "A"..hmm how does 100k+ weapons discourage "casual" gamers? greens were added for the casual gamers, they are all fairly reasonably priced and have inherently perfect stats.
Collector items are also available for the non-farmers/casual gamers.
As for the reason you put for "A"..hmm how does 100k+ weapons discourage "casual" gamers? greens were added for the casual gamers, they are all fairly reasonably priced and have inherently perfect stats.
Collector items are also available for the non-farmers/casual gamers.
Fungus Amongus
C. I could care less.
Part of what this game has to offer is people creating a supply and demand market. This type of market is what many people enjoy in this game. Items and gold are constantly being aquired, most of which dissapears to the clutches of merchants. The rest is recycled about the community. Eventually there is enough currency circulating that the ordinary player can not afford asking prices of certain items. This is not a problem, however, as the ordinary player can easily enough obtain affordable items, such as collecors' items and craftable items, that have identical stats to items for which people will pay 100k plus.
I have no patience to bother selling or trading items so my income is strictly from my own drops. I accept that I can't afford (actually, would rather not pay for) FOW armor and the like. I would rather have my character slots filled with professions equipped with purely functional gear. Vanity is not my concern.
For those people who will pay any price for what they desire, well then that's up to that individual. That's what drives prices so high. Someone spends his entire savings for that one cool item and basically gives more power to the seller. Someone who has gathered 100K through gameplay and spends it just puts gold into the economy. Eventually you will see an enormous amount of gold and high value tradeables in circulation.
My gold goes to the merchant.
My brain hurts now, I hate thinking about these things. Adios.
Part of what this game has to offer is people creating a supply and demand market. This type of market is what many people enjoy in this game. Items and gold are constantly being aquired, most of which dissapears to the clutches of merchants. The rest is recycled about the community. Eventually there is enough currency circulating that the ordinary player can not afford asking prices of certain items. This is not a problem, however, as the ordinary player can easily enough obtain affordable items, such as collecors' items and craftable items, that have identical stats to items for which people will pay 100k plus.
I have no patience to bother selling or trading items so my income is strictly from my own drops. I accept that I can't afford (actually, would rather not pay for) FOW armor and the like. I would rather have my character slots filled with professions equipped with purely functional gear. Vanity is not my concern.
For those people who will pay any price for what they desire, well then that's up to that individual. That's what drives prices so high. Someone spends his entire savings for that one cool item and basically gives more power to the seller. Someone who has gathered 100K through gameplay and spends it just puts gold into the economy. Eventually you will see an enormous amount of gold and high value tradeables in circulation.
My gold goes to the merchant.
My brain hurts now, I hate thinking about these things. Adios.
B. No doubt.
Reason? Well, I just like to own things that I think are cool and that I can display. But, its much more for personal satisfaction really. Me likey shiney things!!
Reason? Well, I just like to own things that I think are cool and that I can display. But, its much more for personal satisfaction really. Me likey shiney things!!
I'd never spend 100K for a vanity weapon, but if I had one to sell and someone wanted to give me 100K+ in exchange for it, well, I'm not going to complain!
I'd never spend 100K for a vanity weapon, but if I had one to sell and someone wanted to give me 100K+ in exchange for it, well, I'm not going to complain!

Not going to buy any of them, but if i got a drop that i want to sell, why not?
A & B
A and C
If I want something bad enough I guess i'll have to pay the going rate or spend hours of boring, grinding farming..
I think Anet has to do something about organized farming.
If I want something bad enough I guess i'll have to pay the going rate or spend hours of boring, grinding farming..
I think Anet has to do something about organized farming.
Seef II
C, all of my trades are sub-100k.
C, i feel those who arent the richest, dont need perfect weapons to make them good at the game. And vice versa, collector stuff > all
D - noone should buy 100k weapons unless im selling ;P
B - supply and demand will always take effect
Chilly Ress
C -> I'm out the 100K loop so I A) Never have the money to be in that "circle" and B) I don't plan to be.
As long as I can get collector/weaponsmith items, and mods to make make them for me. All that 100K happens out of my sphere of playing.
As long as I can get collector/weaponsmith items, and mods to make make them for me. All that 100K happens out of my sphere of playing.
Poison Ivy
Overprice, limit, expensive, those words don't exist in my vocabulary

Gun Pierson
B. communism is out, capitalism is in. Nowadays people want to stand out of the crowd and you'll see this behaviour in this game too. You don't want to farm, that's fine, nobody forces you to, except maybe that little voice inside you that actually wants the shiny/special skin stuff too. If that's the case you shouldn't work your frustrations out on other people.
The chase for the perfect gold items is a game in the game for me, it keeps me hooked. I alrdy have all the collector's stuff and all the greens I want.
The chase for the perfect gold items is a game in the game for me, it keeps me hooked. I alrdy have all the collector's stuff and all the greens I want.
Riken Chrono
i pick B. i think more people will quit this game if everything is such low prices. enuff people have quit already so yeh
Cottage Pie
neither good or bad. and why put the barrier @ 100k? for many it's 10k, for some 1000k....in the end it's a game, and how you play and why you play will determine these things, inevitably there's going to be different attitudes expressed side by side and the games market is the ultimate mixed-up expression of this, a culture of sorts. Vanity pretty much dominates RL, so it's only natural that it will dominate human interaction in a virtual form as well as people try and 'flesh out' their carbon-copy characters, only online it's far easier to draw the equation. it's a really intresting subject, and i've not even touched on it here.
it is good that people sell item for 100k + x Ecto because I can get a same item sell for for <50k or less and it guarantee sold.
high inflasion of perfect gold item in a plus for me so I can make my money on lower but steady sell.
my policy:
15k Sskai sold for 10k,
perfect shadow blade 70k sold for ~20k depend on my mood
the higher market price mean easier sell for me :P
but I am still poor, 300k and no ecto yet
high inflasion of perfect gold item in a plus for me so I can make my money on lower but steady sell.
my policy:
15k Sskai sold for 10k,
perfect shadow blade 70k sold for ~20k depend on my mood
the higher market price mean easier sell for me :P
but I am still poor, 300k and no ecto yet
People who claim 100k prices are because of supply/demand are only partially right. There's no way to have real supply/demand, until a better way of mass trade is placed in the game.
Ole Man Bourbon
Originally Posted by Gigashadow
These are all vanity items, so it's fine for people to spend on what makes them feel happy. People should not be so concerned whether other people farm. |
Andisa Kalorn
If we're talking about weapon skins... C.
As long as the thing works and looks half decent, I'm happy. Plus most of the expensive stuff is warrior weapons, and my warrior is my least favourite character.
If we're talking about my cute lil bone dragon... then B.
It was cute, and my piles of platinum and ecto weren't.
As long as the thing works and looks half decent, I'm happy. Plus most of the expensive stuff is warrior weapons, and my warrior is my least favourite character.
If we're talking about my cute lil bone dragon... then B.
It was cute, and my piles of platinum and ecto weren't.
I picked C purely for the fact that im a pvp player. i LOOk for the items that are higher req that dont sell for shit. req 13? fine by me as i never have less than 16 on m warrior. and if i ever do, theres cheap green weapons i can use for that 
i can think on ONE occasion that i bought anythign for over 100k and i quickly resold it for WELL over what i paid for it so meh.
i can think on ONE occasion that i bought anythign for over 100k and i quickly resold it for WELL over what i paid for it so meh.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by actionjack
How do you feel about the 100k+ items?
Because the 100K+ items will be 80K items in two weeks, and 10K items in two months.
And unsellable in three.
C. don't care - if people want to waste a lot of money it's fine by me.
And please don't say it "discourages casual gamers" - I mean WHY on earth would a casual player even care.
Btw. didn't we already have this topic like 1,000 times already?
And please don't say it "discourages casual gamers" - I mean WHY on earth would a casual player even care.
Btw. didn't we already have this topic like 1,000 times already?
B. It's only a matter of vanity, and if you really like a rare skinned perfect-item you have to be willing to pay for its rarity.
If you are only looking for functionality theres still collectors, non-rare skinned golds, greens and rare skinned with high reqs (which aren't a problem anyway for competitive play unleass you play a really particular build).
If you are only looking for functionality theres still collectors, non-rare skinned golds, greens and rare skinned with high reqs (which aren't a problem anyway for competitive play unleass you play a really particular build).
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by majoho
And please don't say it "discourages casual gamers" - I mean WHY on earth would a casual player even care.
Btw. didn't we already have this topic like 1,000 times already? |
100k + weapons being expensive is very subjective. alot of people i know consider 10k + alot other i know 1 mil is not that much.
B - it gives another item to strive for who solely PvE.
A & B
the reason i'm ambivalent on this topic is as such:
I agree that if people want to buy high-end items, that they should be willing to dish out the cash for it. However, the problem occurs when you sell items that are not always 15^50 20/20 +30 etc. Some people want something like a 15(stance) pair of daggers. With the current economy, items like that are quickly just sold to the merchant, and therefore do not become available for people who want them. Thus, while the regular set of items gets undue inflation, the rest of the items, which people might be willing to pay even more for... dont even appear on the market
PS... we really need an auction hous.
the reason i'm ambivalent on this topic is as such:
I agree that if people want to buy high-end items, that they should be willing to dish out the cash for it. However, the problem occurs when you sell items that are not always 15^50 20/20 +30 etc. Some people want something like a 15(stance) pair of daggers. With the current economy, items like that are quickly just sold to the merchant, and therefore do not become available for people who want them. Thus, while the regular set of items gets undue inflation, the rest of the items, which people might be willing to pay even more for... dont even appear on the market
PS... we really need an auction hous.
Loki Seiguro
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
Gold is meaningless, so it really doesn't matter what idiots pay for items. >.> |
and btw items mean nothing you can craft weapons with perfect stats so its not like your inlcined to buy this sweord or w/e that everyone else has. it doesnt make you a noob even though most ppl think so.
-> i have celebrated my no need for money status by buy a cyrstalline sword :P
I would not buy a weapon for 100K. Even when I am selling, I cannot really ask for 100K+ blah blah blah Ectos on top of it. I bought an Urgoz Longbow for 70K (It was a crazy deal) Didn't like the skin and sold it back for 90K. At the time they were still selling for 100K+15Ectos.
Even when I posted this one energy +5 axe on RPGT, I set my reserve for 20K. The auction when to 101K. I felt bad for some odd reason and told the guy to just give me 100K, lol.
Even when I posted this one energy +5 axe on RPGT, I set my reserve for 20K. The auction when to 101K. I felt bad for some odd reason and told the guy to just give me 100K, lol.
D (wich is B+C) i can deal with 100k+ but not when it's 100 ectos +++ =/