Quick question about healing ability!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

About to make my first character in a few minutes, and I have a somewhat important question...

I want to be a healer (monk). However, could I still be the main healer in a PVE or PVP group, if I go with a Mesmer/Necromancer primary, and a Monk secondary?

Basically, I'm wondering if the Divine Favor skill is so important that you have to be a primary monk and get it if you want to be the main healer in a group?

I kinda want the primary skill bonuses of either the Necromancer or the Mesmer, combined with the overall healing ability of a Monk, but I'm not sure if Divine Favor is a "necessity" to being a healer or not?



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


If you really want to be a healer, then monk is the only way to go. Necromancer can help be a good support class becuase soul reaping=massive energy, but nothing compares to divine favor in getting a powerful heal.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


The divine Favour attribute will give you that edge. Think of it this way:

For a monk, it's like casting one spell, and then casting a 5 energy spell at the same time. By having that as your base energy management, your healing is more effective.

You also have to consider that you cant use runes, which give the monk a further edge. And also consider that divine favour has alot of skills in its attribute line compared to both Mesmer and Necromancer.

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Divine favor is very important to monk heals, so it's best to stick with monk primary.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Darn, ok. I was kinda hoping to be one of those other classes as a primary. Oh well, now I get to figure out what class is the best secondary to a monk Thanks for the quick response guys.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005





1. Make Monk
2. Make Necro or Mez

Problem solved


Mesmer is best 2ndary class for monk in general, due to energy-giving skills, which we call energy mgt .


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Yeah, that's what I read, but it also said a lot of people pick that combination, and I usually like ones a little more rare. I'm leaning towards maybe elementalist? Or necromancer. Not sure.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




You can change your 2ndary later on by doing quests. Then you can change it around as much as you want for free.

Normally 2ndary doesn't have to follow the rote, but with monk I'd strongly suggest /Me

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



In another part of the forum, someone examined all of the viable skills for energy maintenance and I believe the elite mesmer skill Energy Drain came out on top.

I've seen many PVE heal monks using ele, or nec as their secondary, but most choose mesmer. As a healer, you choose your secondary based on energy management. After you get used to healing, (talking about months rather than weeks) energy management will become less of an issue. If you find out you enjoy monking, you will eventually run across the build and healing style that works. Odds are it will be M/Me



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Don't go Mo/N that is no good anymore even bonetti's work better for energy gain what you sacrifice.This is with offering of blood the only skill you use as Mo/N.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I use my monk/necro for smiting runs......and then I use my monk/mesmer for healing runs......though I have used my mo/n for healing and since I use NO 2ndary skills I find that it doesnt really matter what my 2ndary was (with 8 skills only I dont bring anything other than monk skills......).....my mo/me is my newest character so I am still playing around with skills and energy management......so OP try em both, you can always change later (or make another character with those professions like I did)

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


To be honest, go as Mo/N and heal without relying on Energy management skills. Once you learn how to be a standard healer w/o Energy giving skills, switching to Mo/Me later on in the game will feel like such a huge bonus

That's what I did, and I really enjoyed not relying on certain Mesmer skills to heal well. Just time your heals right and you will be fine .