later in the game, i've heard that you can change your secondary prof as many times as you like, is this true?
i was just wondering
thanks in advance
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jan 2006
Song of the Forsaken
06 Sep 2006 at 23:37 - 2
yes it is true
mitch herbort
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Aug 2006
... idk
06 Sep 2006 at 23:41 - 3
factions is senjis corner, prophecies is the desert towns
Marty Silverblade
Join Date: Jun 2006
07 Sep 2006 at 06:58 - 4
Change as much as you want, even until your fingers hurt. Note that there are no quests to get the new skills, unless they are class specific, meaning you have to buy them all. You can change in that PvP city, Bathazars whatever.
Btw, you have to be ascended (in prophecies), or closer to the stars (in factions), before you can swap.
Grotto Attendant
Join Date: Mar 2005
A little chalet outside Drok's
Natural Born Killaz
07 Sep 2006 at 17:38 - 5
Prophecies & Factions also have different ways to gain the ability to change professions. In Prophecies, each profession has a quest you need to do before you can change to that profession the first time. In Factions, it cost you 500g to change to a given profession the first time. (i.e.: start with a W/Mo - change to a W/R = 500g. Change again to W/Me = 500g, Change back to W/M or W/R = no charge!)