I didn't know if everyone was aware of this event, but it sounds fun!
Ever wanted to be in a Guild Wars movie? Now is your chance! Announcing the Max Damage Guild Wars New Year’s Movie Bashtastic! Max Damage will be filming a New Year’s Eve party on Dec. 30 at 9:00pm Eastern Time in District 6 of Lion’s Arch (6 for 2006, of course). You may have noticed that this is not actually New Year’s Eve. We figured people just might be doing something other than Guild Wars on New Year’s Eve (probably not, though. I mean, who are we kidding?). But we want to actually launch the movie on New Year’s Eve, so we are filming it the day before so we have time for editing. Bring your best armor, your dancing skills, your list of creative emotes, and all Guild Wars buddies. Several events will be taking place during the course of the evening. These include the Lion’s Arch Lag Race, where you will witness people with slower connections jump through the space time continuum… and the Guild Dance Contest, where members of the same Guild who can develop the best choreographed dance will be eligible for in-game prizes and a special part in our movie. So, to review:
Event: Guild Wars New Year’s Movie Bashtastic
When: Dec. 30 at 9:00pm Eastern Time
Where: District 6 of Lion’s Arch
My guild never does anything so we're not gonna be in the contest *lol* but... since I'm a necro, I think it would be neat to get a bunch of female Necros together dancing. Any class would be neat to watch, but yanno I'm pimpin' my own ride here *lol*
I hope to see y'all there for the event!
Wanna be in a Movie?
Cool! I'll be there!
The more Necro's the better the party!
The more Necro's the better the party!
Forbidden Angel
Can I bring my ranger?
I wanna be in a movie.
Do I whisper you in the game? or is there a specific spot for us to meet at in La?

Oh no I have nothing to do with it
It's MaxDamage that's making the movie - I believe they did the same thing for Halloween (someone correct me if I'm wrong). They're just gonna video what's goin' on in Lion's Arch. They want people to bring their best characters, dress 'em up, and have some fun! So you bring any character you want to - I'm sure District 6 is gonna be jam packed with all sorts of characters

Lets Get to Healing
Ill be there!
That kinda sucked.
I mean everyone was having fun, but just as when you're questing with a group, ya get one person runnin' off and then expecting you to catch up. I stayed for less than 10 minutes, and 5 of that was spent eating Pringles and watching the Rangers dancing *lol*
Well at least you had fun, Carinae. Let's hope you made it into the video because I certainly did not.
I mean everyone was having fun, but just as when you're questing with a group, ya get one person runnin' off and then expecting you to catch up. I stayed for less than 10 minutes, and 5 of that was spent eating Pringles and watching the Rangers dancing *lol*
Well at least you had fun, Carinae. Let's hope you made it into the video because I certainly did not.