Item Removal from Weapon Crafters. Why?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



I was in Maatu Keep the other day helping a guildy set up his Minion Master with weapon sets. I told him that he should use the high energy Foci from Maatu. And to especially use the Req. 9 Soul Reaping Grim Cesta. This way he wouldn't have to purchase a focus for each magical attribute. Most Necro's run 9 or more in soul reaping for energy reasons anyways. So as he pulls up the crafters menu he informs me that it wasn't there.

So wondering WTF, I zone into Maatu myself for a look. And low and behold he was right. Not only was that focus gone, but I believe that the crafter also made Foci for Fast Casting and Energy Storage. Which were also no longer available.

My only question is why? Monks and Rits still get Divine and Spawning Foci as far as casters go. Warriors still get strength based shields. Why do the Eles, Necros and Mesmers get gipped out of high energy foci based on thier primary attributes?

Now my guildy has to schlepp it all the way back to Tyria for a desert colloector one if he wants to still go the High Energy route. And Ele.s and Mesmers are just plain out fo luck.

Anyone have some insight?

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




This is a bit off topic, but there's a collector in the Cantha version of ToA, he gives out a:

Req.9 Death
+1 Death Magic (20% chance while using skills)
+30 Health

for 5 Arguemented Flesh (not sure if I spelled that right, should be worth 30g each at the merchant though).

My best guess to this removal is their trying to balance the items between each collectors, so collector has the same amount of items added up in all to provide for the players, that way it's fair for each and every profession.

You simply ran into bad luck.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



Not me. I bought them while they were still craftable. So I'm good. But why not at least let people now in the update section or something?