/resign and survivor titel


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hi, i was wondering if the /resign command will count against the survivor titel. because when i use it it looks liek i die, but when i check /deaths it doesnt say that i die. anyone know if im still ok to get the titel lol?

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


nope i just tried with a couple friends, doesnt count toward it

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Why ON EARTH do people want this title?



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


well, besides being something to do that requires a bit more than just power leveling.....it has some merit, you learn to do stuff a bit more carefully. I made it with my newest character to about 90k xp before I got pwned by a boss.....afterwards I really didnt care if I died or not, before my first death I was very careful (and I did it all with henchies so no group would get mad).

Its just another title people can work for, now why would you want a title?
There are some titles that I have no use for....like legendary hero, and the lucky/unlucky one; while others like cartographer and protector are more fun to work towards. This one is something you can only do if you start a new character and fun to try and see if you can make it ........I failed oh well.

OP good luck !!

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Well it's completely tedious and probably utterly devastating to PUGs, but other than that a great acheivement.

Kinda like counting ceiling tiles while your friends wait in the car. . .



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


It's tedious for YOU Bourbon. There are lots of people who enjoy the challenge. Each to his/her own.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

Agreed. I only got 1 character to tier 1. Was trying to get to the 2nd tier but the boss outside of Senji's, the one across the bridge, owned my Necro with some crazy 300+ damage.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


I personally don't have the patience to try for the Survivor title but was curious, has any one got it starting in Tyria? Everytime I hear people talk about it they started in Cantha where you can get to lvl 20 much faster.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

A guild member started his ranger out in Tyria and got Survivor Tier 1 there.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Team Quitter [QQ]


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Well it's completely tedious and probably utterly devastating to PUGs, but other than that a great acheivement.

Kinda like counting ceiling tiles while your friends wait in the car. . .
I would agree with it being tedious if your farming the title, but people who do that are noobs compensating for not being able to get it by any other means. Nor is the title easily attained by people being uber conservative and rage quiting on pugs (actually the best way to get the title is by using henchies...by a long shot). People who depend on those tactics often fall short of the title or take a very long time to get it. Really attaining legendary survivor is more dependant on using balanced builds (warriors with 7 attack skills + mending = fail), having proper positioning, knowing how to control aggro, et cetera.

If you are a generally good player in those aspects and plan out your canthan elite skill capping beforehand, the only thing that is really tedious imo is the couple of dozen elite skills you have to cap in prophecies.

It depends on the character class. For characters that are easy to ascend at low lvls you can get run through prophecies and ascend for a quick lvl 20. If not you can just do the Canthan presearing which has much more experience. Either way you will want to do the bulk of your after lvl 20 playing in Cantha. Personally I would just start in Cantha...I've always thought playing low lvls is kinda fun and silly to just skip :/

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Voice of the Darkness


Its much harder to do it in Tyria than Cantha because of the Academy at the end of Presear - PvP deaths will put a stop to the title, and not everyone knows the ways around this (being very very good/lucky, asking nicely.... and logging out and in again at the right time [apparently]).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


My survivor's Tyrian (and yes, someone did try to kill her at the end of pre-sear despite my asking nicely - and I did indeed log out at an opportune moment ) - tier one at the mo and aiming for tier two. She's done most of the Canthan quests just for the ridiculous XP, although avoided Vizunah Square like the plague lol.

And personally I've not quit on a PUG yet - if you know how to play your char, you shouldn't need to...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Originally Posted by Caelus The Fallen
Its much harder to do it in Tyria than Cantha because of the Academy at the end of Presear - PvP deaths will put a stop to the title, and not everyone knows the ways around this (being very very good/lucky, asking nicely.... and logging out and in again at the right time [apparently]).
I left pre last night on my monk, and no one was there, so I got to skip the PvP part of leaving

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I find it kind of fun. Also that it is not PUG won't want me, it is I who don't want PUG... hench ftw.

Those close calls really get you pumping, if you play it normally that is.

The starting is hard, but I think it only get easier near the end as you obtain all the things you need.