At first ANET used to list the times of events in both PST and GMT on and on the ingame news pannel. But for some reason they have stopped listing the times in GMT, and are only listing the PDT times for them.
The reason that GMT is useful for sceduleing events with people accross many timezones is that it doesn't have daylight savings, meaning the people using it only need to keep track of their local daylight savings times, not theirs and the daylight savings of someone elses timezone as well.
resume listing event times in GMT
well at least its not a completely impossible to implement suggestion like "I want to jump!"
Simple, easy to do and helpful.
fallot ?
Originally Posted by fallot ?
In fact having the part doesn't make any sense since its still in english, but as it has a different layout it makes more work for the webmasters for displaying the exact same content. Which could be why it hasn't been updated to link to the latest scribe yet.
I'll be sticking to the pages that get updated first, and as I'm living in New Zealand I doubt that there will be any content I'm interested in thats only on the europe page. And the main page has a better looking layout IMO