When i open it, the little loading window turns red and says:
Unable to Install
The installer could not write Guild Wars to the specified
directory. Please Check that you have administrative access,
that you have permission to install programs in the sepcified
directory, and that there is sufficient space available on the
I would appreciate it if you can help me fix this.
I Can't Start Guild Wars...
Check that you have Administrative privileges (log in as administrator to install), and ensure you have a minimum of 2Gb free before installation.
Then that should all be ok.
Then that should all be ok.
If you've already installed Guild Wars, then you're running the wrong file :P
If not, then yeah, you need admin privileges. To get that in Windows XP go to...
Start-->Control Panel-->User Accounts--Change An Account-->Click your account-->Change Account Type-->Administrator
You will likely need to be logged on as an administrator to do this.
Also, make sure that you do, in fact, have the amount of space that GW requires to be installed. Which is around 2GB iirc.
After that, you should be good.
If not, then yeah, you need admin privileges. To get that in Windows XP go to...
Start-->Control Panel-->User Accounts--Change An Account-->Click your account-->Change Account Type-->Administrator
You will likely need to be logged on as an administrator to do this.
Also, make sure that you do, in fact, have the amount of space that GW requires to be installed. Which is around 2GB iirc.
After that, you should be good.