GW Characters Are Under-Powered


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006


I think characters in guild wars are too "under-powered" at times. I know the developers don't want a replay of Diablo 2 where you had GOD players running around BattleNet all the time but I definitely think they should consider powering up some of the character abilities. In some instances the AI is so "efficient" us normal humans can't make a decision fast enough to counter it. Does [Dragon's Throat] ring a bell.

Don't get me wrong, I know strategy is key but it shouldn't take me days to complete a quest, mission or challenge.

Some suggestions to make the playing experience more tolerable may include. Here are my 7 suggestions:

1. Allow access to more powerful henchies. Would help in Dragon's Throat for sure!

2. Better weapons and more effective armor definitely!

3. Allow higher leveling. Being a level 25 Necro would help level the playing field a bit.

4. Ability to use special ability granting scrolls like "increase strength by 10 points for 10 minutes" or "increase team health and energy by 100 for 5 minutes" or "grant super weapon for 10 minutes". The scrolls for increased experience and stuff are nice but we need more variety I think.

5. Ability to buy one Elite skill from a skills merchant in Kaineng Center.

6. Cheaper equipment! I shouldn't have to "farm" for weeks on end just so I can afford one set of so-so armor and weapon.

7. Better skill and spell effectiveness. I now appreciate how weapons and spells functioned in Diablo2. Any one remember how fast a ranger could fire arrows in Diablo? Or the Whirlwind move the warrior could do? Or how about the Meteor and Frozen Orb skills for the Elementist? I think GW players would much appreciate spells and skills like these.

Well, there you have it. These are just my opinions however. Please, no one take it personal. I think GW and Factions are great but I think they could use some tweaking.

Vampire Freakshow

Darth Marth

Darth Marth

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

USA Midwest

Order of Celestial Guardians II [OCG]


Originally Posted by wnorton
I think characters in guild wars are too "under-powered" at times. I know the developers don't want a replay of Diablo 2 where you had GOD players running around BattleNet all the time but I definitely think they should consider powering up some of the character abilities. In some instances the AI is so "efficient" us normal humans can't make a decision fast enough to counter it. Does [Dragon's Throat] ring a bell.

Don't get me wrong, I know strategy is key but it shouldn't take me days to complete a quest, mission or challenge.

Some suggestions to make the playing experience more tolerable may include. Here are my 7 suggestions:

1. Allow access to more powerful henchies. Would help in Dragon's Throat for sure!

2. Better weapons and more effective armor definitely!

3. Allow higher leveling. Being a level 25 Necro would help level the playing field a bit.

4. Ability to use special ability granting scrolls like "increase strength by 10 points for 10 minutes" or "increase team health and energy by 100 for 5 minutes" or "grant super weapon for 10 minutes". The scrolls for increased experience and stuff are nice but we need more variety I think.

5. Ability to buy one Elite skill from a skills merchant in Kaineng Center.

6. Cheaper equipment! I shouldn't have to "farm" for weeks on end just so I can afford one set of so-so armor and weapon.

7. Better skill and spell effectiveness. I now appreciate how weapons and spells functioned in Diablo2. Any one remember how fast a ranger could fire arrows in Diablo? Or the Whirlwind move the warrior could do? Or how about the Meteor and Frozen Orb skills for the Elementist? I think GW players would much appreciate spells and skills like these.

Well, there you have it. These are just my opinions however. Please, no one take it personal. I think GW and Factions are great but I think they could use some tweaking.

Vampire Freakshow
1. I'd prefer smarter henchmen to more powerful ones. (Are you listening, ANet?)
2/3. ANet would NEVER change the level/weapons and armor stat caps. They're integral parts of the game.
4. I can't see this happening either, too much potential for exploits.
5. I have to agree, some system of being able to buy elite skills somehow would be nice. (Nothing imbalancing)
6. It takes, at most, a few hours of farming to get a set of max armor, or a good green/crafted weapon. This money can easily be made by playing the game. What kind of farming are you doing?
7. Not having played DIablo, I wouldn't know. I think I speak for many in strongly opposing any Elementalist skill buffs.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


You seem to be showing some frustration over Dragon's Throat which is probably misplaced. You do realise that Dragon's Throat is an optional 'see how far you get' challenge mission not required to continue the storyline, right? It's supposed to be hard, if not pretty close to impossible, to clear the entire area.

Going through the individual requests:

1) I think this is already planned, via the heroes for Nightfall - apparantly they're more controllable (hence 'smarter') and customisable (which is likely to lead to them having better builds, and being more powerful as a result).

2) Naaaah. The game is balanced as is. It's not about one person cutting through swathes of mooks like D2 - you're supposed to use your brain to defeat the enemy.

3) As #2. To keep the balance, raising the level cap would just require the levels of the monsters to be raised to compensate, with no real change to the game in the long run.

4) I think I'll be referring to #2 a lot here. I think extra uses for scrolls could have a use, but nothing gamebreaking. I'd be looking at a benefit on the order of what you can get from the statues.

5) I can see where you're coming from with this one - Elsa didn't get her first Ranger elite until Tahnnakai Temple (I was unlucky with Vizuneh), while other classes have plenty of skills they can cap before their first mission in Factions, leaving some classes possibly Elite-deficient until well after others have a considerable range of options. Having a single, one-off, quest for your very first Elite (of your choice) could be useful.

6) You aren't going straight to the crafters, are you? Bad idea, especially for weapons.
Basic equipment is fairly cheap - I don't think I've ever needed more than a few hours to farm for a high-end collector item, and they're at least of so-so quality. Do a little research of what monster bits you need for what items, and you may even find you get the basic items you need off regular adventuring.

It's worth going to the crafters for the extra stuff you can get on armour, but the only thing I can think of that weapon crafters offer that you can't get from a collector is the +5 energy quality.

7) Refer to #2. In fact, most of the skills you cite are in fact available in limited form - Cyclone Axe for the Warrior, and I'd say Meteor Shower, if not Meteor itself, is a close appriximation in behaviour to D2's Meteor. On firing arrows: That's a realism thing - the rate of fire of bows in D2 was, IMO, rather silly (having multiple arrows in the air is HARD, especially at short range and when trying to get any kind of accuracy in your shots). Besides, if shooting arrows WAS faster, the game would probably be balanced so that you still do about the same amount of damage with a bow either way.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


....ARGGGGG For the last time Anet is NOT raising the lvl cap!!!

We need a sticky saying DON'T POST ABOUT RAISING THE LVL CAP!

sry man it's just a different game.

/not signed



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


1~6) I agree with what others had already said.
7) Diablo 2 uses 2D art, and therefore allows the spell graphic to have better quality. Guild Wars and many other games uses 3D art, the quality of the art have decreased, but makes graphics easier to create. In short, it's just not part of the game engine to have that kind of graphic. If GW is going to use 2D art, it'll have to lock camera angle, which means you won't be able to see sky anymore.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

In case you didn't read it the first time I closed your thread:

The suggestion forum guidelines state not to put a bunch of suggestions into one thread.
