It's time once again for me to seek help on this issue!
Attached is a very old but still relevant pic of my warrior. It's there so you can see his hairstyle. This hairstyle look fine when he's standing still, but when he runs, a bald spot suddenly appears on the back of his head as he moves around. I used to have knight's armor, which covered this up fine, but now that the value of knight's armor is questionable at best, I've changed to kurzick 1.5k, which doesn't really cover it up.
I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I suppose it could just be with my graphics settings or somesuch, and not something that is an issue for anyone with a warrior with this hairstyle. If the former, I would like help correcting it. If the latter, I would like to ask if it would really be that hard for ANet to correct this minor clipping error with the next update. It would mean a lot to me if I could take my warrior's helmet off without that bald spot driving me nuts!
Bad Hair Day
Can you get a screenshot of this "bald spot" you're referring to?
Sure thing... if I can remember how to change a .bmp to a .jpg

Start-->All Programs--->Accessories-->Paint-->File--->Open-->Choose the picture-->File-->Save As...-->Save as Type--->jpg
boom, there you go :P
boom, there you go :P
johan the destroyer
Use paint. Just open the .bmp in paint and go to File>Save As and change the file type to a JPEG file.
Oh yeah.... duh... Ok, here's one with my armor on, and another without.
Only thing I can think of is changing your graphic settings. That's kinda wierd, never seen it before.
If all else fails you could contact and ask them a question about it, and how to fix it.
If all else fails you could contact and ask them a question about it, and how to fix it.
Various positions cause graphic malfunctions like this. Similar problems are noted in the "Armor Malfunctions" thread. Tweak your graphics and see if it helps. If it doesn't, then it's probably that way due to some game coding and there's nothing to do about it.
Personally these errors don't bother me much, but I still try to help those who are bothered.
Personally these errors don't bother me much, but I still try to help those who are bothered.