Party ordering
I know this has come up in other threads before however a quick search shows that it doesn't have its own thread (at least any time of recent)
I'd really like to see when Nightfall (at latest) is out that ANet allows us to re-order the party in towns and outposts without kicking the entire party and re-stacking.
I understand that it is a very minor thing, however since it is such a minor thing, it is also something that as far as I can see quite easily implimented. The number of times in PuGs when you wanted to re-order your party and you just suddenly lose them. Even more generally when one person needs to go off to re-roll when you are waiting for GvG, and it just so happens to be your lead target caller at #1 position and you have to disband the entire party and re-stack.
Something as simple as a small checkbox so that you can drag and drop party members to their proper positions would be nice. Make it so that only the party leader may do this and cannot replace themselves as the party leader. When they are done, just click the check box again and the party menu is like how it is now. Surely it won't take a great deal of software changes for this, and it will just save a huge ammount of time and sometimes agrovation.
I'd really like to see when Nightfall (at latest) is out that ANet allows us to re-order the party in towns and outposts without kicking the entire party and re-stacking.
I understand that it is a very minor thing, however since it is such a minor thing, it is also something that as far as I can see quite easily implimented. The number of times in PuGs when you wanted to re-order your party and you just suddenly lose them. Even more generally when one person needs to go off to re-roll when you are waiting for GvG, and it just so happens to be your lead target caller at #1 position and you have to disband the entire party and re-stack.
Something as simple as a small checkbox so that you can drag and drop party members to their proper positions would be nice. Make it so that only the party leader may do this and cannot replace themselves as the party leader. When they are done, just click the check box again and the party menu is like how it is now. Surely it won't take a great deal of software changes for this, and it will just save a huge ammount of time and sometimes agrovation.
Yeah, how hard could this really be? Not like they have to balance it or anything.
I personally always like having my wars on top, to the monks on the bottom.
But how would this work for FoW and UW when your party order gets randomised when you enter it ?
Terra Xin
... check the stickies, this has been suggested many times before
and FYI, you're allowed to bring back old threads, the point is to reduce the number of threads that come in on a daily basis, especially ones that have been suggested before.
and FYI, you're allowed to bring back old threads, the point is to reduce the number of threads that come in on a daily basis, especially ones that have been suggested before.
hmm...I wonder if the anti anything free crowd will cry out Anet will have to use bandwidth for this and argue against it. I can hear it now.
" If anet would charge us $9.99 for it per time because it takes bandwidth to reorder parties, I would be willing to pay 9.99 per player I reordered. I would re order 20 times to give them some money to keep their bandwidth costs low"
/ long as I aint charged a fee
" If anet would charge us $9.99 for it per time because it takes bandwidth to reorder parties, I would be willing to pay 9.99 per player I reordered. I would re order 20 times to give them some money to keep their bandwidth costs low"
/ long as I aint charged a fee

eternal pho
more convenient
more convenient
/signed, though i am not a person who shuffles positions....
Checkbox each player can check when they are ready.
That would be nice... but i doubt I would use it, but some people will