Assassin 15K Canthan Masks
Is there are reason for the different material costs for the Assassin's 15K Canthan masks?
The Bladed and Shadowy masks cost much more than the others in material.
I did query it with Guild Wars support, other than being told that the info was passed onto the developers, I never did get an answer.
Anyone else have/had this as well?
The Bladed and Shadowy masks cost much more than the others in material.
I did query it with Guild Wars support, other than being told that the info was passed onto the developers, I never did get an answer.
Anyone else have/had this as well?
Knightsaber Sith
I guess it's cause they do +1 to Dagger Mastery and Shadow Arts respectively. Since you need Dagger Mastery to use your daggers, and Shadow Arts is pretty much the only way to heal; maybe they decided they were worth more or something and the lesser used attribute masks are cheaper......
devils cruelty
probably thts why, although tht should apply 2 all prof as they all have 1 self heal and 1 attk
No other armor is like this in the game (apart from overall necromancer sets, some of the whole set costs less than the others). I don't remember if it was like this on my sin when I went through, but I suspect it is a bug.
Knightsaber Sith
I'm pretty sure the sin armor crafters have always been like that
guess 15k Exotic isn't like that
guess 15k Exotic isn't like that
devils cruelty
ya it might be a bug or i could not i dnt really know as i didnt get 15k armour for my assasin, so if some1 can find out exactly tht be a help
Obsidian Stealth
I'm guessing they want people to buy the lesser used attribute mask to make them use the lesser used attributes.
It's probably an oversight. It doesn't fit the pattern set by other crafters.
guildwiki shows the cost for all the 15k canthan masks as 50 cloth and 5 leather, so most likely a bug.
edit: this is the guildwiki page I was refering to.
edit: this is the guildwiki page I was refering to.
Knightsaber Sith
When I looked a wiki I didn't see an itemized list of materials, they had added it up for a total armor set so I'm not sure how reliable that would be in this case.