How many Prophesies missions?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Eastern US



So I've ascended and just completed what I thought was the last prophesies mission, Hell's Precipice. In looking at my stats I see that I have completes 24 of 25 missions. I'm somewhat confused about what that 25th mission is. I have completed all the missions that I can find and even on the GWGuru site there are only 24 plus ascention. Any help is appreciated.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


There are 24 missions+ defeat doppleganger in under 50 seconds.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Eastern US



In the Title part of the Hero screen it states "Tyria Mission Completion (no title earned) 24/25 missions. So again I ask, what is the 25th mission? I even went back and completed the ascention again in about 10 seconds but that didn't change anything.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Did you kill Glint ?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


The doppleganger counts as a mission of the 25. But it seems you have already done that. Glint is the bonus for Dragon's Lair.

The missions are
The Great Northern Wall
Fort Ranik
Nolani Academy
Ruins of Surmia
Borliss Pass
The Frost Gate
The Gates of Kryta
D'allesio Seaboard
Divinity Coast
The Wilds
Bloodstone Fen
Riverside Province
Aurora Glade
Sanctum Cay
Dunes of Despair
Thirsty River
Elona Reach
The Doppleganger (Ascencion fight)
The Dragon's Lair
Ice Caves of Sorrow
Iron Mines of Moladune
Thunderhead Keep
Ring of Fire
Abbaddon's Mouth
Hell's Precipice

Make sure you have two swords through every shield of the 24 that you can see.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


Originally Posted by Cherno

Make sure you have two swords through every shield of the 24 that you can see.
Based on the OP's post, this sounds like the likely problem. The title requires not just mission completion but mission AND bonus.

If not, be sure to carefully check Cherno's list against your map. My brother in law just had this problem with one of his characters and it turned out he never visited the Gates of Kryta. It's easy to miss if you tend to run the map a lot and ignore the story line since it's a quest that takes you there instead of a mission transporting you automatically.

I just got this title on my Factions Necro a couple weeks ago. Good luck on getting yours.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Eastern US



Thanks all. I had already checked and all the missions have been completed. There is only one thing I have not done and that is the Dragon's Lair bonus, Glint. That must be the problem. I will do the bonus and respond to this post.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Just a tip to own Glint- get a good disrupter. Even if this means swapping to E/Me (I'm assuming you are playing with the E/Mo as it says under your location), taking power spike, maybe another interrupt, and swapping rebirth (which I also assume you are doing), for rez siggy.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Glint has nasty stances, so those need to be dealt with



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I always found the Necro with GB is good in this mission don't know why.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

get winter or greater conflagation if you are trying to kill glint...

either that, or get every1 to use elemental weapons...
minions and pets, btw, deal physical dmgs, so better if they are out of the fight...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Glint has nasty stances, so those need to be dealt with
That's got me thinking! Does the Assassin skill 'Mirrored Stance' work with Glint?

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Voice of the Darkness


Originally Posted by Azagoth
That's got me thinking! Does the Assassin skill 'Mirrored Stance' work with Glint?
Nope, as with all monster-only skills it cant be copied (which is why Inspired Enchantment in The Deep is awesome).



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Troy, MI

World Of Darkness

Another good tip for Glint is fight like a butterfly sting like a bee... in other words don't just sit there while she's hitting you for like 25% of your health -- attacking in groups improves your chance of avoidance. Most ppl won't last long if you try to straight up attack so... jut in and jut out while attacking. Warriors may want to run an endurance build while bring disrupting chop and distracting blow to hit her Crystal Haze (causes major exhaustion), and Jagged Skin (hits for 100 dmg to all nearby enemies of Glint).

The good thing is it actually gets easier when you get her a little under 50%, because she stops her Jagged Skin attacks that cause major dmg (you can interrupt this, but you have to do it quickly... I like Leech Sig for Mesmer). However, after she's under 50% you have to start interrupting her +7 healing skill called Crystal Hibernation (note not a spell). I think it's imperative for ppl to interrupt this skill to win bonus.

The last two times I received bonus on this I made everyone in my group carry an interrupt so that we would have enough to beat her. This may be a little extreme, but it's my security blanket. It takes way to long to get to Glint then lose bonus. Depending on the experience of your group, a couple of candy canes for DP may be needed.

Oh, and depending on the players... most don't like it when ppl are capping when they are trying for just bonus. Just something I observed. They want you to be setup with everything to kill glint, and view the capture sig as a wasted slot. This can get brutal... depending on the players.

More on mission and bonus may be found here:


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Originally Posted by Set
fight like a butterfly sting like a bee
That's "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"

The only real skill of glints to worry about is crystal hibernation. Winter will convert elemental to cold dmg, not physical, so it will need to be used in conjunction with something else if you want to help your team all have elemental dmg. Easier to just ask them to bring an elemental weapon to attack with during the times she is in Jagged Skin.

Crystal haze can be removed with hex removal. Hibernation is the big bad. Interrupt that and you should be good to go. As mentioned above, check wiki for strategy or a couple threads on this forum.