is it me, it probably is but ill ay it anyway, But are some of the enemies in factions WAY overpowered? i was playing through factions with my ritualist today and to do a quest i had th fight through a few LARGE! groups of enemies most of wich had a boss. Now i have max armor b4 any1 mentions that, but some of the bosses where hitting for riddiculous amounts of damage:
a necro boss i came up against was using deathly swarm and was hitting for over 250 damage each time. now acording to the damage increas of deathly swarm on GWwiki. it increases at this rate:
15, 19, 24, 28, 32, 37, 41, 45, 50, 54, 58, 63, 67, 71, 76, 80, 84.......... at each level of death magic from 1-16. and the increase goes like this: +4+4+5+4+4+5+4+4+5+4+4+5+4+4+5+4.....and so on......which means for the boss to hit for 250 dmg its death magic attribute would have to be set between levels: 48-52. which to me seems "slightly unbalanced"
and an Ele boss i came up against too was using aftershock, and was hitting for 200dmg without knockdown which to means its Earth magic attribute must be set between: 33-36.
doesn any one else see this as a tad stupid?
another thing i noticed aswell, is that the afflicted assassins seem to just grap spellbreaker out of the air, no monks around but they seem to be able to get it, any1 else noticed this too?
Bosses deal double damage in Factions.
The easy solution is to get some competant healers. It gets a LOT harder later...
Afflicted Assassins use Shadow Form, which is the same as Spell Breaker.
The easy solution is to get some competant healers. It gets a LOT harder later...
Afflicted Assassins use Shadow Form, which is the same as Spell Breaker.
ahh thanks for clearing that up about the assassins. But i like to take henchies out rather than real people, cuz i cant seem to find people who are doing the quest im doing at the time, so im kinda screwed.
o well, ill stick with prophecies till nightfall is out.....
o well, ill stick with prophecies till nightfall is out.....
there is no such thing as 'overpowered PvE'
The one time some competent ppl decided to actually coordinate their efforts they figured out you could beat EVERY SINGLE AREA with a team of just a necro, a monk and a warrior. That kinda says all about how 'hard' PvE really is.
I'm sorry to say this, but if you can't beat the PvE bosses you really need to look at yourself, not the strength of their death magic
The one time some competent ppl decided to actually coordinate their efforts they figured out you could beat EVERY SINGLE AREA with a team of just a necro, a monk and a warrior. That kinda says all about how 'hard' PvE really is.
I'm sorry to say this, but if you can't beat the PvE bosses you really need to look at yourself, not the strength of their death magic
They're brutal, but you just have to find ways of diverting their damage.
Phaern Majes
Thread number 8365432......
Originally Posted by Thomas.knbk
.......but if you can't beat the PvE bosses you really need to look at yourself, not the strength of their death magic
so the fact that 3 people managed to team up, set them selves up acordingly and clear out all the PvE areas and i struggle to do it in a team of 8 makes me crap?
We cant all be masters at everything, i meerly asked if any1 else has this problem. and so what if 3 people cleared out all the PvE areas, they set themselves set up to do so, just like the 55 build lets u solo areas. Like i said, i take henchmen and i cant set them up can i so im limited to the skills they have.
Since you can change your secondary so easy just take mesmer or something as secondary for a while and equip some spells that will help you like backfire and one interrupt and it shouldn't be a problem.
Originally Posted by malignant-heretic
Like i said, i take henchmen and i cant set them up can i so im limited to the skills they have.
I tried Tahnnakai Temple last night w/all henchies and failed at the second to last bound spirit. I've done this mission several times w/my necro w/no problem but usually with other people. This was my first time trying it with a Ranger, but only henchies is very difficult with tightly packed mobs.
Do you try pulling first? It's hard w/henchies but can be done. Get a longbow and use a spare weapon slot. Make sure you're either level with or above the position of the monsters you want to pull, select a target and hit the space bar.
As soon as the arrow leaves your bow turn around (or just move backwards) and run a bit in the opposite direction while using the strafing keys to move you back and forth. Except for Devona (who's a tenacious little she-devil) you can get most warriors to come back to you by doing this before they aggro any of the monsters you don't want to fight yet.
Just keep doing this til the group you do want is right about where you want them and then CTRL + attack to get the henchies to attack.
Henchies seem to react to which ever human character is changing direction the most. Some people call the back and forth strafing trick the Henchie Dance. :-) It's helpful when you're playing with both real people and henchies and someone is trying to pull.
If you want the henchies to go in first because you're a back row character, get your agro bubble kinda close to the first monster you want targeted, target it, and then hit CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR, wait a couple seconds and then the henchies should start rushing in.
Patience and attrition will get you pretty far in the quests. Some of the missions you'll have to go with a pick up group, but as long as you're on during the regular hours for your server, you can eventually find a group who can help you complete the mission.
Oh, and if you aren't in one arlready, try joining a guild. That's a good way to ensure you'll be able to find reliable people to play with.
Good luck and have fun.
Trvth Jvstice
@Thomas.kbnk-I'd like to see just a nec, warrior and a monk beat Thunderhead Keep. Sure, it could be done, but it would take hours. I imagine most missions could be beaten by just one player, if you was determined and took half a day to do it.
The OP is talking about normal players playing the game Normally.
The OP is talking about normal players playing the game Normally.
@ above: no doubt pve is one of the hardest challenge one will face, especially pugs...
if you get good pugs, it's all going well... otherwise, ppl just start to point the fingers....
played a boon prot (which i still have no idea how to) in sunjiang district first time with my monk as requested by the team, we passed with master... just goes on to prove that every one needs to know what they are doing, and not doing what they are not suppose to do...
even as a normal player, with a good coordination, toughest mission can be a breeze...
if you get good pugs, it's all going well... otherwise, ppl just start to point the fingers....
played a boon prot (which i still have no idea how to) in sunjiang district first time with my monk as requested by the team, we passed with master... just goes on to prove that every one needs to know what they are doing, and not doing what they are not suppose to do...
even as a normal player, with a good coordination, toughest mission can be a breeze...
Malignant, there's one simple trick to beating Factions bosses with henchmen:
Take a Spirit Henchman. Shelter is your best friend, and will reduce their damage to almost nothing.
...As with Prophecies, when henching make sure you kill bosses last. Generally speaking, you should target whatever will die fastest first and work your way up from there.
Take a Spirit Henchman. Shelter is your best friend, and will reduce their damage to almost nothing.
...As with Prophecies, when henching make sure you kill bosses last. Generally speaking, you should target whatever will die fastest first and work your way up from there.