What do you get when you get "junk" loot?
Enchanted Warrior
I always get wands, and low end staffs etc..
<Edited> Edited to get thread back on track</edited>
<Edited> Edited to get thread back on track</edited>
The Shadow
I don't think Anet is trying to insinuate anything like that. My opinion is to look at the ratio of "magic user" classes vs that of the "meele" classes.
Magic users
Melee classes
~Ranger (doesn't really fit in either class... but for arguements sake, I put it here)
Imo, there's just more opportunity for caster weapons to drop than melee weaps. That said, I do get a good variety of drops from every class. My "junk loot" seems to be spread over all the classes, not just casters.
Magic users
Melee classes
~Ranger (doesn't really fit in either class... but for arguements sake, I put it here)
Imo, there's just more opportunity for caster weapons to drop than melee weaps. That said, I do get a good variety of drops from every class. My "junk loot" seems to be spread over all the classes, not just casters.
To the OP, I think you look at it a bit wrong if you generalize all caster items you'll see they make up maybe 4/5 equippable drops. Wands/staves don't drop as often if you look at requirements.
You can only find one type of swords, axes, hammers, bows and daggers; the ones that require their attribute. Wands and staves are a bit different, you can get a Bo Staff in 15 different versions (req. death, blood, curses, divine favour, smiting, channeling, communing, restoration, domination, illusion, inspiration, fire, earth, water, air - I think that's all) and the same goes for focus items and wands.
-edited 'cause I wrote it badly-
You can only find one type of swords, axes, hammers, bows and daggers; the ones that require their attribute. Wands and staves are a bit different, you can get a Bo Staff in 15 different versions (req. death, blood, curses, divine favour, smiting, channeling, communing, restoration, domination, illusion, inspiration, fire, earth, water, air - I think that's all) and the same goes for focus items and wands.
-edited 'cause I wrote it badly-
When you want to use a good staff or wand, you should get a collector's weapon or a green weapon first.
I see golds as a luxury - it's very cool to have but it's really not needed to play the game. Once you played the game and di all the things, you might want to spend the gold, and that's where the luxury items come. I don't care what other people think about my golden Sword Collection, it just makes me proud to think that I can buy such things, after alot of hard work.
I see golds as a luxury - it's very cool to have but it's really not needed to play the game. Once you played the game and di all the things, you might want to spend the gold, and that's where the luxury items come. I don't care what other people think about my golden Sword Collection, it just makes me proud to think that I can buy such things, after alot of hard work.
A good gold staff/wand/focii are truly the only rare weapons in guildwars,since the chances of actually getting a weapon that has up to 3 matching attributes(Ex:Fire Req,20/20 for Fire spells) is incredibly low.
Malice Black
true, 20/20 are still the rarest staff drop BUT they are alot more common then they use to be.
i use to get alot of poor bows and wands
i use to get alot of poor bows and wands
Enchanted Warrior
"What do you get when you get "junk" loot?"
Let's get back on track, I edited my op
Let's get back on track, I edited my op

White Grim Cesta's, white armors. Lots and LOTS of white frickin armors....
Usually near max req 9+ white melee weapons, white armors, rare skin stuff that's worth next to nothing due to high req and being a white or sucky blue, and staves/wands that have reqs like (fast casting 13, communing 9, divine favor 12).
if its not gold i will merchant it. and if its a crappy gold i will try to salavage or merchant it. this is mainly because i cant be bothered standing in kaineng spamming
WTS PERFECT WAND etc because no1 buys that stuff or so it seems
WTS PERFECT WAND etc because no1 buys that stuff or so it seems

Res Ipsi
Raven staffs ftw!
I have an entire collection of them
I have an entire collection of them

Seef II
What do I do? Sell them.
Sell to the merchant.
On that topic, it will be better in nightfall since spears/scythes are both physicals.
On that topic, it will be better in nightfall since spears/scythes are both physicals.
most golds are merch food any way....
even 1 off perfect you get a 60% price drop
*sigh to my max summit axe... accidentally sold for 1k :'(
even 1 off perfect you get a 60% price drop
*sigh to my max summit axe... accidentally sold for 1k :'(
What do I do, sell them to the merchant. Raven Staffs get salvaged into wood, bows too depending on my mood and gold situation. Sometimes I'll try to get some steel off stuff that either looks like or I'll know will salvage into steel.
Probably the best solution is to have something else that drops that you can sell to merchants, besides gold or collector items, and then take out all the junk weapons and armor, leaving the good ones as rare drops. Scrolls sort of fit into that class. But however they adjust things, they have to avoid making the game more attractive to pro farmers.
EVE Online has a similar problem, having had to nerf the drops easily available to casual players to discourage pro farming. World of WarCraft, same thing there. When all these games first came out, why you could just stroll down the trail (or warp to the nearest asteroid belt) and find really good usable items without any problems. But then pro farmers began to harvest 24/7 and the controls put in to make harvesting unprofitable for them also made things difficult for casual players.
Sad, but no mm online game has thought of the answer yet.
EVE Online has a similar problem, having had to nerf the drops easily available to casual players to discourage pro farming. World of WarCraft, same thing there. When all these games first came out, why you could just stroll down the trail (or warp to the nearest asteroid belt) and find really good usable items without any problems. But then pro farmers began to harvest 24/7 and the controls put in to make harvesting unprofitable for them also made things difficult for casual players.
Sad, but no mm online game has thought of the answer yet.
Curse You
When I get gold "junk" drops, I get stuff to feed to the new players over at Shing Jea Monastery. They don't mind about the stats, and they really don't care when you just GIVE it to them.
Anything white or purple however, goes to the merchant. They need to make money too ya know
Anything white or purple however, goes to the merchant. They need to make money too ya know

depends on where I am......recently I have farming in ascalon (char hides) and get lots of bows, cestas, and really bad armor......when I hit the elementals---load stones and granite slabs.....
Most of the junk I get is either bows, or really horrible wands or swords (I salvage the bows for wood so they arent too bad)
Most of the junk I get is either bows, or really horrible wands or swords (I salvage the bows for wood so they arent too bad)
yeah, I used to get loads of bows, still do to an extent, now i get alot of shields and hammers. I used to get have several really goog gold hammers, but nobody except PvP KD want them. Now I am a PvP Kd and using the hammers that i got in the Fire islands. I salvage enarly evrything look for mats and upgrades. Mats espiecally now since Nightfall is only around a month and a hlaf away and i need mats for new armours.
Its merchant food.
Junk drops?!?!?!?!? So you mean the NON max req13 PURPLE items I am getting from HIGH end chests are junk??????? I think Anet should change the text back to "rare" for gold drops since they seem to be just that for some of us.
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
I always get wands, and low end staffs etc..
In Tyria -> Drops are not good until you reach Krytia Region
In Cantah -> Drops are not good until you hit the main city
I usually just sell up to those points. I do find ID is worth at at least to catch any percious items / pays for the id'ing them.
In Cantah -> Drops are not good until you hit the main city
I usually just sell up to those points. I do find ID is worth at at least to catch any percious items / pays for the id'ing them.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by majoho
Obviously because you're playing in low-end areas, low-end stuff doesn't drop in higer-end areas.
Griff Mon
This is what I do:
Real Junk: leave it where it lays
Stackable Junk: pick it up and stack it and sell
Everything else I salvage, ID, sell to merchant, or add to my stockpile of crafting materials.
I do not have the patience to sell good drops unless I feel they are worth quite a bit.
Real Junk: leave it where it lays
Stackable Junk: pick it up and stack it and sell
Everything else I salvage, ID, sell to merchant, or add to my stockpile of crafting materials.
I do not have the patience to sell good drops unless I feel they are worth quite a bit.
Enchanted Warrior
Originally Posted by majoho
Obviously because you're playing in low-end areas, low-end stuff doesn't drop in higer-end areas.
ROTFLMAO! Like wands in FOW... Man junk drops all over, no matter where.
Pffff, anything not gold or without good mods to salvage, goes merchant.
In my case anyway, i cant stand purple junk, or wasting 1 hour to sell it to some player for 1k.
As far white unmodded stuff, expert salvage kit for teh win. ^_^
And as far as blue "high salvageable" stuff, expert salvage kit for teh uber win.
In my case anyway, i cant stand purple junk, or wasting 1 hour to sell it to some player for 1k.
As far white unmodded stuff, expert salvage kit for teh win. ^_^
And as far as blue "high salvageable" stuff, expert salvage kit for teh uber win.
Originally Posted by KANE OG
White Grim Cesta's, white armors. Lots and LOTS of white frickin armors....
Originally Posted by Evilsod
These days i'd rather have white armours than Purple ones... at least the White ones can be used with a Expert/Superior Salvage Kit and not end up with a shitty little rune.
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
you can still get non-max gold items even from the highest chests..some non-max high end skins are still sellable
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
ROTFLMAO! Like wands in FOW... Man junk drops all over, no matter where.
I just answered the question, you get low end items in low end areas you DON'T get low end items in higher end areas EVER.
Malice Black
lol seriously you and Zinger should get together because you both seem to take everything so literally.
Junk loot = merchant food..non-max items, golds with no inherant mods ect
Junk loot = merchant food..non-max items, golds with no inherant mods ect
I KNOW what junk loot is, as I said I was just answering the question.
If the OP had a point he could have phrased his question in a way that made sense.
Also this thread doesn't blong in this forum anyway, should either have been in farming or in Questions and answers.
If the OP had a point he could have phrased his question in a way that made sense.
Also this thread doesn't blong in this forum anyway, should either have been in farming or in Questions and answers.
Blue Armor > Purple Armor (Though only in the case of all runes except Major Vigor.)
I'd rather get a blue armor drop over a purple one since the chances of scoring something of actual worth is higher on the blue.
And seriously,I opened a chest in The Deep,only to realize I got a req 13 gold non-max bow with a +19% damage while hexed and just an Icy String.
Blue Armor > Purple Armor (Though only in the case of all runes except Major Vigor.)
I'd rather get a blue armor drop over a purple one since the chances of scoring something of actual worth is higher on the blue.
And seriously,I opened a chest in The Deep,only to realize I got a req 13 gold non-max bow with a +19% damage while hexed and just an Icy String.
Originally Posted by leprekan
Junk drops?!?!?!?!? So you mean the NON max req13 PURPLE items I am getting from HIGH end chests are junk??????? I think Anet should change the text back to "rare" for gold drops since they seem to be just that for some of us.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by majoho
I KNOW what junk loot is, as I said I was just answering the question.
If the OP had a point he could have phrased his question in a way that made sense. Also this thread doesn't belong in this forum anyway, should either have been in farming or in Questions and answers. |
Yeah I wonder why that hasn't happened yet, it must obviously have been an oversight 
Anyway the thread is pointless and badly phrased.
IF the question was "what to do with junk loot", the answer would be - merch it.
IF the question was "why do I get bad drops", the answer would be - thanks for another thread on that age old topic.
Anyway the thread is pointless and badly phrased.
IF the question was "what to do with junk loot", the answer would be - merch it.
IF the question was "why do I get bad drops", the answer would be - thanks for another thread on that age old topic.
Originally Posted by majoho
Yeah I wonder why that hasn't happened yet, it must obviously have been an oversight
Anyway the thread is pointless and badly phrased. IF the question was "what to do with junk loot", the answer would be - merch it. IF the question was "why do I get bad drops", the answer would be - thanks for another thread on that age old topic. |
Dude if I think a subject is stupid/pointless I will say so - that's not trolling.
Effendi Westland
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I hear you. I have opened a fair few chests in my time but now, whenever a key drops for me (I refuse to buy one) I just sell it straight back to the trader because what I get out of the chest is NEVER worth as much as the key...it takes the piss.
I usually get really useless casters weapons, even if they are gold. Melee weapons I usually can at least salvage for one upgrade, otherwise, merchant be my guest.