Originally Posted by Quaker
1. Conventional wisdom: Vampiric is "constant" damage, while Sundering is garbage.
Originally Posted by Quaker
The data in my post show both types of damage as having wildly variable results. Also both types show occasional high-value hits that you could refer to as "spikes" (although I made no statements about spiking). So basically, neither type is "constant", and both types "spike".
The the "occasional high damage hits" with a Vamp have nothing to do with the vamp, it is the weapon landing a Crit. The same goes for Sundering, except you will also get slightly higher damage when Sundering triggers.
Originally Posted by Quaker
2. Conventional wisdom: Vampiric is better than Sundering over time. - In my tests, the time - as in the number of hits x the hits per second - was essentially the same for both types. Neither one gave any indication of being better over time, they each took the same number of hits to kill the target. If it takes a longer time to show the difference than it does to kill the target, the difference is meaningless.
Originally Posted by Quaker
3. Conventional wisdom: Sundering is worse versus stronger armor. Using the calculations, that some people do, leads to the "conventional wisdom" that sundering is more effective against "softer" targets and the effectiveness of Sundering goes down as the armor level goes up. However, in direct contradiction of this, all the tests I've done, in addition to the ones I posted, show Sundering to be more effective against "harder" targets.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for Sundering to be better against higher ALs than Vampiric. The damage bonus of Sundering IS MITIGATED BY ARMOR, the damage bonus from Vampiric is NOT. Therefore as armor scales up Sundering will get worse, whilst Vampiric stays constant.
Originally Posted by Quaker
I am willing to accept that more tests would be better, but, in all this discussion, I have yet to see anyone else post the results of their own tests. I have yet to see anyone explain why my test data does or does not support their case.
Originally Posted by Quaker
Why are the values I get all over the map instead of "constant" for Vampiric and "spikey" for Sunder? (Could it be that the chance/probabilty factors are not taken into account in the "formulas" and, therefore, the formulas are inaccurate?)
Originally Posted by Quaker
Why doesn't Vampiric show up as clearly superior to Sundering, if it so truly is?
Originally Posted by Quaker
And, as I keep saying - try it yourself!
Originally Posted by Quaker
By the way, I'm not trying to convince any of the pro-vamp die-hards about this. They seem to have an almost religious zeal for this subject, and I think if the programmers for ANet said differently, they'd argue with them too.