Devil Wolf
i recently beat prophecies and factions and started mapping out cantha for the title. I curently have 95.9% and have found forums elsewhere talking about not finding where they missed. I realise that i need to squeeze into every corner and i have been doing that by following the wall completely around a zone. that gets me .1% here or there but i am almost done and i dont think it will complete 100%. I guess the question is "Is iit possible to get 100% in cantha with a tyrian char?" i noticed i cant get into the tutorial area at the very beginning of cantha or the shing shea arena. Im sure that counts alittle. There may be other places liek that that i havent found but not sure. any reaasurance that they dont count or there is a way to get in there? Thank you ahead of time
Yes, it is possible to get 100% in both continents regardless of where your character was 'born.'
You do not need to explore the entire map for 100% exploration, it gives you a little lee-way for those especially difficult, and in some cases impossible, spots.
Please see:
For more information on exploration.
You do not need to explore the entire map for 100% exploration, it gives you a little lee-way for those especially difficult, and in some cases impossible, spots.
Please see:
For more information on exploration.
How can you expect to get Grandmaster Cartographer if you can't even find the massive exploration topics here on the forums? ;')
Devil Wolf
well. i made a quick look at the topics and everything but i was at work and break was 10 min. sorry i was in a hurry. Thank you shingernafy