4,294,967,295 posts?

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

so, who are these people anyway? all are Town Dwellers with 4,294,967,295 posts.

Italian Gladiator
Lars of Darkstar

found at http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/m...c&sort=pos ts

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

lol, prob just people that like to use the "refresh" button a lot.

or something like that...

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


average of over 18 million posts a day on that first one....

you know something's wrong there, considering I've never seen any posts by any of those people and with that kind of average....

johan the destroyer

johan the destroyer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Spirits of Vengeance [TSoV]


What is strange is that they all have the same amount of posts....



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Do these numbers mean anything to you?


It's too late for me to do the math, but those are the decimal representations of the hexadecimal numbers FF and FFFF, respectively. Perhaps this number is another one, but more like FFFFFFFF. Someone else can do the math; I'm too tired.

By the way, if so, then that number is caused by a glitch. It happened in GW a couple times too.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


It's a glitch for post counts. Often it results from complete post annihilation. I had a friend on this forum who got himself banned for spamming, and got his post count deleted. He isn't on the most posts lists, but if you look at his profile, it shows the exact same number.

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

ahh interesting. what's his username?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Don't know if it's against the rules, so I'll just pm you about it =/




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

It happens when we delete a post after resetting a user's postcount to 0. And yes, we've reset post counts before.

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

yea, my initial search before i posted this thread didn't show much, but a bit more researching got me the answer. thanks lasareth!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Cantha. DE

Xen of Onslaught (Alliance of Xen-AX)


Originally Posted by Relambrien
Do these numbers mean anything to you?


It's too late for me to do the math, but those are the decimal representations of the hexadecimal numbers FF and FFFF, respectively. Perhaps this number is another one, but more like FFFFFFFF. Someone else can do the math; I'm too tired.

By the way, if so, then that number is caused by a glitch. It happened in GW a couple times too.
nice guess.... the post count is 4294967295 and that indeed is FFFFFFFF. so most liekly thats the maximum # of posts abllowed by the forum system (has to be an unrealistic #) so they lost posts due to 1 reason or another and it pushed them into the negatives... too bad in a system like this there arent negatives so it cycles over to the max and backwards from there. Basically the guy has -1 posts...

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Hey, here's something incredibly weird. I saw that one of the numbers was 65535. I remember than if you open microsoft excel, if you scroll down all the way until the end there are 65535, 1 less than that number. Then I tried to go across to see if it was the same thing - 1 less. And it was. I wonder if that means anything.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006



Sorry to go a little of-topic but I've got a question too
What are the ranks + amount of posts to reach them ?


extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

Originally Posted by Slabby
What are the ranks + amount of posts to reach them ?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
Hey, here's something incredibly weird. I saw that one of the numbers was 65535. I remember than if you open microsoft excel, if you scroll down all the way until the end there are 65535, 1 less than that number. Then I tried to go across to see if it was the same thing - 1 less. And it was. I wonder if that means anything.
Most programming is done in some form of hexadecimal. Most "limits" set by programmers come in the form FF, FFFF, FFFFFFFF, etc. The limit of rows in excel is FFFF, or 65,535. The limit of columns is FF, or 255.

Here's a quick hexadecimal tutorial for those who don't understand.

In hexadecimal, each place value is based on the number 16, not 10 like we normally use. Thus, there are six extra digits required (A, B, C, D, E, F) to get from 0-15.

The first place value is worth 1x what the digit is worth, the second is 16x, the third 256x, etc.

So FF is really 15 * 16 + 15, or 255. Does that number seem familiar? Yep, it's the level glitch that happens with far away NPCs. Because the maximum "correct" level is 31, that has to have two hexadecimal place values. FF is the limit to the number in two place values, so this glitch forces the game to display that max number in decimal, which is 255.

Now, the way Guru is set up, the maximum displayable post count number is the 4 billion something number from the first post. Guru can experience a similar glitch with post counts that forces it to display the max number in decimal, which, instead of FFFFFFFF, is that 4 billion something number. This is likely due to something causing these people to have -1 posts. Since the forum can't display negative post counts, it goes to the maximum number automatically.

The way these problems all occur is due to a glitch in displaying the number zero. For some reason (and my theory will be later), Guild Wars can have difficulty showing the number, causing this glitch to level 255.

The reason I think this is is how numbers are set up in computers. I'm by no means an expert programmer, so take this with a grain of salt, but here goes. Computers like to use the number 0 instead of 1 to denote the first number of anything. Therefore, to get the number 0, you would use -1. And -1 seems to have a glitch about it, regardless of whether it's displayed or programmed. It's like Guru/GW sees the -1 and goes into "glitch mode" without even seeing that it's supposed to display as zero. This glitch is actually Guru/GW displaying the number it believes to be -1, which is the maximum number allowed in that area.

Eh, this post seemed to be all over the place. Sorry if it didn't make much sense, and anyone with any further knowledge on this is *more* than welcome to post.