err 7 > code 3 > code 40 > connecting...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


i was doing arborstone with guildies, got kicked right at the cutscene.
in fact, this is the second time i've been kicked in the same mission, the
first time i was also kicked at the cutscene and the mission wasn't marked
as "completed." i've been kicked out several times today while an inch away
from completing quests/missions etc.

this last time, however, i err7'd and tried to log back in, was immediately
kicked out again as i logged in and faced a code 3. then i tried to log back
in again and reset my cable over and over and the code 3 changed to code
40. so i rebooted my comp and when i ran guild wars again and tried to log
in, it doesn't even log into the character selection screen anymore and gets
stuck at "connecting..."

is this my problem only? i can't describe how frustrated i am at having to redo
everything over and now not even being able to get back into the game
thanks for any help.

tuf pepper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


no dont think it is just you I was looking at the cape design guy and next thing I new I was err 40 loged back in but didnt get past char selction screen err 40 poped up I waited 5 min's then tried again ("doesn't even log into the character selection screen anymore and gets
stuck at "connecting..." ") same problem as you so dont think you are alone on this matter



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Please continue further discussion here. Closed.