Minion Master??


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006



OK ive been playing a necro for the last 3 month and in that time ive learned to become a pretty good MM, but lastnight in one of our sorrows furnace runs I noticed something wrong, I noticed that my Golem was dying way faster than usual from degen, and my bone fiends were a lot weaker defensively, has anyone else noticed this? A few nights ago we did the same run and I managed to get 8 minions all the way back to oro from the furthest point of the map at full health stopping every 5 seconds to use BotM and heal area.

I know nothing has been announced officially but I am almost certain they have altered something, untill its announced or fixed im giving up on the MM

Zethron Ahriman

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Lol, don't give up, it's completely normal. The longer a minion is alive the bigger the degen. Go to ascalon, kill a low lvl, raise a minion. How long does it survive for? Now do that again and just wait, healing it when its low on health, over time you will notice a increase in degen. Also, the golem/fiends may have had hexes or conditions such as bleeding on them. I tested your question on my MM, everything is the same as usual. Good Luck.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


To further that LOL ^^

I've done SF far too long with every char especially MM. Let your damn minnions die during the journey to the boss that is at a remote location and also back from that boss to oro. The only thing I do is I raise a new Flesh Golem when it dies during the trek. You will create more minnions after all--they aren't worth the effort or time it takes to keep them alive.

Regardless if you agree with my input, your conclusion to no longer MM seems to be a tad dramatic.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



i was MMing for aroound six months, I got pretty good at it aswell, max death magic, all MM related skills, could keep my minions alive for a v. long time. They are good and fun build in the beginning, but I switched to SS, because come onm, SS. It's the best skill in the game IMO, and it is so much fun seeing a wammo/sin kill themselves with reckless ahste, SS and empathy. On-topic, if you do quit MM, try SS, it is very fun and you can make lots in UW with a 55 monk.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Shiro's Servants [SERV]


ok man yeah i agree with the first guy a minion's degen increases the longer it lives trust me i have spent many hours researching with my minions and it wastes time to heal them esp. in the area you mentioned


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006



I think you all missed my point entirely, I know how to MM, I know its easier to let minions die on the way back to oro, MY POINT was that ever since thursday night my minions are a lot weaker defensively and my golem dies a lot quicker from degen than he did before.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


Possibly. I had two MM, just converted one to an SS. The other day, not sure which, I was playing with the MM doing the Wilds mission. As we where playing, it seemed like either time was passing quickly or my minions where not staying around as long as they use to. Wonder if there was an unintentional programing error, that caused this little glitch, when they updated, or is it just yours and mine imagination that the minions are deteriorating faster then they use to.....

John Basedow

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


My minions are doing just fine dosent seem like they changed anything. did you go out with 5 death magic?

Originally Posted by Zethron Ahriman
Also, the golem/fiends may have had hexes or conditions such as bleeding on them.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006



Im glad it aint just me, and no John I didnt have 5 in DM.
Tried it again today outside pongmei valley - its still happening!! if Anet changed it for some reason intentionally or not it should be looking into.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

John, golems can bleed... Think about it. FLESH golem. FLESHHHH golem.