"Well now what?" People leaving missions...

Jade Moonbeams

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Obsidian Exiles


When someone leaves a mission or quest party players often ask, "Now what?" A lot of the time the group will have to start over, especially if the player that left is a vital part of the group such as the Monk healer. It is an extreme inconvenience that I think I have a solution to. When someone leaves a party and abandons other players with the burden of completing the quest/mission with one less person could there be a henchmen that automatically replaces them of their class. I run into this more and more as more people are going for survivor titles in missions where an npc ally has to stay alive and the healers' attention is directed to them instead.

I realize that this is a very hard problem to get around and the solution I've come up with may be impossible to program but let me know what everyone thinks I guess. This is my first post on here, PlayNC sent me a reply that said to post here instead. Well here goes.

And pets should do more then walk around and make noises, like sit, groom themselves, take naps when the group is really idle.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

The pets already do walk around and make noise, they just dont sit or groom themselves. Anyways that would be a good idea with the henchmen. It would just have to be that the person leaving is replaced by the same class henchmen, which could invoke some problems. Such as if a mesmer is doing Ruins of Surmia and they drop, who is going to replace them? Their is no mesmer henchie that early in the game. Its a good idea though, i like it.



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Wrong forum, this is moved to correct thread.


Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The idea of henchmen automatically replacing people that drop out/leave has definitely had a run through Sardelic before.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by I pwnd U
The pets already do walk around and make noise, they just dont sit or groom themselves. Anyways that would be a good idea with the henchmen. It would just have to be that the person leaving is replaced by the same class henchmen, which could invoke some problems. Such as if a mesmer is doing Ruins of Surmia and they drop, who is going to replace them? Their is no mesmer henchie that early in the game. Its a good idea though, i like it.
Programmatically speaking that wouldn't be a problem because that would be as easy as an IF statement, or a switch case statement that has a default set. The interesting problem IMO is that the NPCs are most likely set and loaded at run time prior to entering the mission. So to add them when you have already entered mission (or area) would possibly add an elaborate change in the engine. It is obviously only a guess on my part since I'm not a developer working for ANet. Regardless I like the idea, and that is the reason that I do all missions and quests (if possible) with NPCs -- i hate drops, be it rage quit or error 7 it just plain detracts from the game. That's also a reason for joining a guild.

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Keep going.

A monk helps, but unless your group isn't at least *marginally* prepared to keep themselves alive and think on their feet, you might still be able to finish that mission.

I was in one of the early Krytan missions ages ago (first one, I think). About halfway through, the monk drops. Naturally, a couple of the others automatically say, "Oh well, we're screwed without a healer" and also leave. The three(?) of us who remained continued, communicated well, and finished the mission.

What annoys me most is when people leave in pvp. Though it is *extremely* satisfying to win when it's 2 people vs 4...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I'm with Shadow on this one. Keep going.

I also had a mass drop first time I went through The Wilds. Only, there was only me and an Ele left. And I was running my super nub Sword Ranger. We just kinda looked at each other and said "Well, let's give it a shot". Glad I did, because we beat it.

And that happened again one time through Aurora Glade. They all dropped because we couldn't find our way through, so I ended up with a RL friend who was playing a W/Mo, a Ranger PUG, and me on my W/Me. We made it to the portal atuning part, and through careful preperation and excelent team work we passed without a death. That ranger later became a member of my now dead Guild, and I had a blast with her.

So, yeah. Don't give up. You don't really know how good you are until you survive the odds.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


hm, this thread sounds very familiar....I did that same mission with my mesmer and another ranger finishing it (the warrior with us went afk halfway thru)....and we finished it with no problems.
It depends on the mission, but for the most part you should at least TRY to finish the mission, you might very well be surprised to see what you can do.....I had a group doing galrath where it wound up being me (a rit/e) and a lower level necro (and healer henchie with a 60%dp) and we managed to kill off the rest of the minotaurs, the aloes, the veras group AND kill galrath off as well......the rest of the group quit when they ran to him and couldnt kill him by themselves......patience is the key to doing solo or duo missions/quests, take your time and pace yourself....you can probably do it!

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

like i say........henchies are a man's best friend lol



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Shiro's Servants [SERV]


well henchies can be a downfall since enemies aren't stupid they automatically attack healer henchies and ppl leave when they die and stuff which is so retarded and even me being a N/Mo i still take a rez spell so these idiots who leave should be shot and ppl who go afk in a run (mission or just a run) should be shot as well



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



It's the AFK'ers that I find more annoying. Although the henchie option does sound like a good idea.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



Sounds like a good idea OP. I think an improvement would be: When someone drops, the players could type /addhench Alesia or /addhench Dunham etc. That way you could add the hench you want. Especially if there isn't a suitable default replacement for that mission/quest.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


Reminds me of this time when we passed that mission where you escort the eye with only 2 assasins. I took a screenshot near the end cause I was so proud. Our monk left, the warrior went afk and everyone else died but we kept goin and for most of the mission it was just us 2 sins!! was a proud day I tells ya. Feel free to use my great build ;]


I like the idea if it's possible to do.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Netherlands, gelderland

none yet


good idea, but what if for instance you use danika the healer monk and then an other monk leaves. And there isn't another npc monk??? there can't be 2 danika i think



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Yeah, my vote is also with "carry on"...I was doing Gyala Hatchery the other day....the Rit healer left leaving one monk, then a warrior left. To be honest, 50% of time time I reckon it's an error code=007 rather than them just being spiteful! Unfortunately, when one or two people drop out everyone else seems to, which is a shame. The remaining 5 of us decided to try to take the Hatchery on our own and we werent doing too bad until we came across a group of Kurzicks made up of a ritualist, a monk, a monk and an ele...they just wouldn't fall, but at least we tried it. If you're not trying for masters it doesn't matter how long you take. What really pisses me off is when we just get into a mission and the monk leaves. I actually do believe that is deliberate because it does happen FAR too often for it to be error code=007 in my opinion. I don't see why someone would buy a game just to annoy other players, and to waste their own time, by entering a misison and dropping out instantly.