Need some help


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

I am a level 18 W/MO with about 6k saved up. I am looking to upgrade my equipment but am not sure what I should do first. This is what I have:

Blue Crippling Scimitar
Gold round shield
All my armor is Gladiator 50 except for my helm which is Wyvern.

Should I upgrade my sword? What can I buy for 6K? Should I wait until I get more money? Any help would be appreciated.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Go to Lion's Arch and look for someone selling unidentified golds for 1k each...the mods arent likely to be spectacular and reqs won't neccessarily be low...but you might be able to find a +15%^50% in the mix. You can even request only swords or sheilds or what ever you want...

There are people looking to buy them for wisdom title and there are chest farmers keeping the rare skins who need to unload the rest for cheap so they can buy more keys...a cheap way to get gold gear.

As for your pennies and buy new in Droknar's Forge ASAP.

Lady Frost Bite

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Dark Wing Cadre


you can get an ok sword for around that amount, but to get a good sword with nice mods already on it your going to have to pay around 20k so if the one you have now is good enough then i would just wait. Now with 6k you can look into getting some droks armor which if i remember is armor 80, each peace is 1.5k not including things you need to craft it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

If you're looking to upgrade your shield/weapon but not spend a fortune then you should definetely get collectors stuff. That's if you're not picky about what skin your shield/weapon has. And if you are picky about skins and such, 6k won't get you much. What you can do is get the collector's stuff regardless and continue saving up more gold until you can afford something better.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Save your pennies for better armor once you get to Droknar's Forge. You can check guildwiki to find out where to get good collector's weapons / armor that will see you through until you get there.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

i concur.. collectors weapons are underrated, they are awesome, this will give you time to save money for the cool stuff


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Where do I get collectors stuff? Where are the collectors? Where is Droknar's forge? Thanks for all the help.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


Collectors stuff is indeed underrated and if you did a google search for:
"Collectors Items Tyria or Cantha" I'm sure you could find some detailed sites with collector items/requirements and locations.

Also, I think it is worth mentioning that if you went to warcamp D1 you could pick up Grognars sowrd or blade for that price considering the decline in green prices coming out of that area.

Peace hope this helps



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

You could get to Drok's right away from Beacon's Perch, but the run would cost about half your stash.

A lot of collectors are in or just outside towns, but there's a few scattered out in the wilderness. I think there's a list somewhere-try guildwiki and search for "collectors". As well as giving good weapons some also give decent armor. The Desert collectors give out armor almost as good as Drok's.

If you come across any inferior swords with a suffix or prefix use your expert salvage kit on it. You can make a pretty good sword with a collector's and a few expert salvaged mods.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Absolutely do not buy unIDed items in the hope of finding a gem. 99% of them are tested, and once IDed will be pure crap. yes, you might find something decent, but it's no where worth the risk anymore.

As above, use get collector items. Just as good, way cheaper. Collector armor from the Maguuma Jungle region is sufficient until you get to Droknar's Forge, assuming this is in Tyria, and can get the highest stat sets. You will need about 15K for craft fees and to purchase any extra materials needed.

Salvage almost everything you get for drops. You'll accumulate a surprisingly high amount of craft materials. Using an normal kit on blue/purple/gold items with crappy mods will give you craft materials and not the crap mod.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Hard Mode Legion [HML]


If your sword is near max damage (15-22) and your shield near max (16) I would not upgrade.

Save the gold to buy armor in Droks and try to get collectors armor in the Maguuma Jungle. Same for weapons.

Collectors armor in the jungle has the same stats as crafters armor in the desert (both 71). Disadvantage is that you will lose the energy bonus from Gladiator (which is +7 afaik). Collectors in the desert have the same armor as Droknars, but also no Gladiator.
Sword collector in the jungle gives 14-20 sword (15^50), which is slightly less than crafters sword there.

When you don't have a near max weapon and/or shield, I surget trying to get a white (with no mods) max damage one.
I guess most people just bring them to the merchant or salvage them, so with a bit of luck and time you should be able to get one for about 100-300 gold (most max white are max 100 gold when sold to merchant).
You can mod them yourself or just wait until you find a better one.

Also, if you have a joined a guild, it's worth asking around there.
I've noticed that many guilds are willing to help starters out, with missions, but also with weapons/collectors items.