Need help on how to put pictures in auction
hey i need help. I want to know how do u take pictures of the weapons and mods then put it on the gallery. each time i do it it says its too big to fit in there can u guys tell me how i can take a picture and put it on my gallery for auction tell me it in steps plz ty.
If your image files are too big, then chances are you're using the entire screenshot, i.e. you haven't cropped it down to just the image of the item; or you're using an uncompressed image format like .bmp; or both. Get yourself an image editor and take care of that. For simple stuff like this, something like IrfanView will do nicely.
Originally Posted by Smasher/Devourer
If your image files are too big, then chances are you're using the entire screenshot, i.e. you haven't cropped it down to just the image of the item; or you're using an uncompressed image format like .bmp; or both. Get yourself an image editor and take care of that. For simple stuff like this, something like IrfanView will do nicely.
Guru Auctions doesn't allow .bmp files so you'll have to save it as .png or .jpeg