Strange Candy Cane Shards Thing.
I can't stack my 2 CC shards, and the one I have screened, doesn't say "salvage to make etc." The other one that is there says the right thing. That's kind of annoying because I can't stack em though.
Just thought it was interesting
Known. The candy canes that drop from monsters, and the candy canes you can get from opening a winter gift, are treated as two seperate items. The candysmiths, however, don't care; they'll just take X objects named "Candy Cane Shard" from your inventory, irregardless of which type it exists as in the database.
Ok I haven't heard that. Thanks lol
Same thing with gift boxes, the necro ones are separate from the ones from the priest people.
The thing is they have the same name and icons, just different effects.
The thing is they have the same name and icons, just different effects.
Look in the Candy Cane and update threads in the Riverside Inn forum. Closed.