survivor titel
Hi, i was wondering how much xp you need to get to lvl 5. i was wondering that because thats the lvl i was when i stoped dying to get the surviver titel. rite now i am lvl 20 with 183,502 xp. ino you need 140600 and i am past that. i beat the dooplanger without dieng to. so idk, any of u guys know how much more xp i need?
if u die before lvl 5 it still counts towards survivor so u cant get it no more
wtf are u serious, i thougth u just had to get the xp without dying, know matter when u started not dieng.
Nope. Has to be done on a brand new character. If you use the /deaths command, it must show 0 for you to still be eligible for the survivor title.