
Absolute Destiny

Absolute Destiny

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

Oklahoma City

Forgotten Realms [FR]


I recently acquired a big cache of purple weapons and shields, and I've been trying to sell them, but apparently no one wants them.

Is there any particular reason, or is it just because they're not gold/green?



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Basically, yeah.
I mean, I like using purples. They have no resale value so I can mod/use them/customize to my hearts content.
Honestly though, many purples are better then gold. I have a 14^50 wingblade that is purple. Much better then my 13^50 gold one with a max fortitude mod. I just added a 20+ fortitude to the wingblade.

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


Meh, people are just stupid. A good number of people want a gold because its gold, while a good number of purples are just as good or better despite being purple(and we're talking same skins here). I don't understand why myself. Guess they're just stuck in their ways.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




I just had a conversation w/ a friend about this. I have a lot of purple weapons that are max damage and req 8. They are 14^50% and that basically makes them unsellable.

The problem is one of perception. People want the gold weapon because it's a status symbol. However, for all practical purposes you'll never see the difference between 14^50% and 15^50%.

The best thing about purple is that they tend to have low reqs while golds very rarely do.

I say just keep the ones you like for yourself. Salvage off whatever mods are good on the ones you don't like and then sell the mods. (That is if you don't use them for your new and very worthy purple weapons.)

BTW: Yes I do know that purple crystalline swords are worth quite a bit.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



I, personally, like golds and greens. I dont farm them or buy them from people, i just get them from drops. The only thing that I have really set out to get is The Stonereaper, and that was beacuase of eh +1 curses mod and the HRT/HCT. I well try to sell my golds, but i'd buy purples if they had good mods on them, and salvage of course. The thing about req. levels is that if you need a weapon with so and so mod, ie HRT of Fire Magic, you're most likely to have Fire Magic maxed out, probably to sixteen. I dont really see why req. are a problem.

And, yes I did buy and use a couple of them when i was going through Tyria for my first time.

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Shoot, I'd be happy to take some of them off your hands. I don't care what color it is, as long as it meets my needs.

When it comes to trading/selling in the game, people are really weird: really hung up on what color the weapon is, rather than its functionality. It's gotten very hard, at least for me, to sell things in-game. I have better things to do than stand around for a couple hours, hawking weapons with no result.

Ranger Rog

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006



People can be real idiots when it comes to non gold weapons, I've been trying to sell a purple crystalline sword, it has a req of 8 but the damage multiplier is not maxed and is unpopular; the actual mods on the sword are perfect though. It's amazing how many people have looked at it and laughed at me because I have the audacity to try and sell a weapon that's not gold and 15>50. One guy even told me that I was "owned" as the mods were not perfect because they weren’t sundering and fortitude .
The stupid thing is that even if these people were to buy a 15>50 Crystalline, they probably wouldn’t customise it because of the value of the sword, whereas the asking price for my purple would mean that they could customise it without losing too much sleep and have a technically better weapon.
I've decided that life is too short to spend my precious game time trying to sell a weapon like this; it's now in storage, possibly forever as I'd rather be playing than spending time talking to scammers and idiots.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Absolute Destiny
I recently acquired a big cache of purple weapons and shields, and I've been trying to sell them, but apparently no one wants them.
Of course people want them. Just not for the price you're demanding. Right?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Ranger Rog
People can be real idiots when it comes to non gold weapons, I've been trying to sell a purple crystalline sword, it has a req of 8 but the damage multiplier is not maxed and is unpopular; the actual mods on the sword are perfect though. It's amazing how many people have looked at it and laughed at me because I have the audacity to try and sell a weapon that's not gold and 15>50. One guy even told me that I was "owned" as the mods were not perfect because they weren’t sundering and fortitude .
The stupid thing is that even if these people were to buy a 15>50 Crystalline, they probably wouldn’t customise it because of the value of the sword, whereas the asking price for my purple would mean that they could customise it without losing too much sleep and have a technically better weapon.
I've decided that life is too short to spend my precious game time trying to sell a weapon like this; it's now in storage, possibly forever as I'd rather be playing than spending time talking to scammers and idiots.
You shouldn't call people not willing to buy Purple a high price idiots. You're basing your assumption on the fact that purple are almost as effective than golds, so they should have the same price. But in fact, Collectors items are perfect. Why nobody buy them 100k +XX ectos?
Well, when you buy, or sell, you don't buy or sell the "real" value of an item (that is the cost of its effectiveness). You're buying/selling rarity. The rarer an item is, the more expensive it is, regardless of its "real" value or power.
So your argument is nonsense, as if people were only buying effectiveness, collector weapons would be the most expensive. Purple are a lot more common than golds, so they are a lot more cheaper.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Ranger Rog
People can be real idiots when it comes to non gold weapons, I've been trying to sell a purple crystalline sword, it has a req of 8 but the damage multiplier is not maxed and is unpopular; the actual mods on the sword are perfect though. It's amazing how many people have looked at it and laughed at me because I have the audacity to try and sell a weapon that's not gold and 15>50. One guy even told me that I was "owned" as the mods were not perfect because they weren’t sundering and fortitude . ........
that purple crystalline sword sounds perfect for my warrior. I would buy it in a heartbeat if I could afford the price at the time.

Almost all of my weapons/foci are purples, and many times I have replaced gold and even a green item with the current purple because it fit my current skillset or suited my overall character's needs better. I do not demand perfection in items. I am confident I am not the only one. Keep trying in your sales endeavors.

oh, and please use the trade chat when you want to sell something. I monitor Trade chat frequently, but not local (for obvious reasons :P). I will be looking for your ads

Ranger Rog

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006



I see your point glountz but in the case of Crystalines a purple is an exception, they are rarer than virtually any other weapon type in gold (with a couple of very rare exceptions).
I guess I got a little jaded trying to sell the thing, but calling them idiots is being kind to a lot of people I encountered while trying to sell in the trade channel (at less than 50% of the guide price) most people just wanted to look at it, a lot of them of them wanted to scam me out of it and the rest calling me a noob (and much worse) because it was purple. I even got my account on here banned for 3 days for a bumping violation when I tried to clear up an argument in my sales thread on the high end forum
I'm starting to think the sword must be cursed, I think I might just run to the falls with it and throw it in the water and leave it there



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


that didnt work for the one ring, it ended up with golum after being thrown into the water. try hells precipice in the lava.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


I do know what you mean. Guy spaming "WTB good shield." I show him a +31 while enchanted purple Eternal Shield and he LOL in my face and said "I said GOOD". Oh well.
That guy would have probablly bought my gold gothic shield with +1 19% domination magic though just cause it was gold. People are idiots.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I do know what you mean. Guy spaming "WTB good shield." I show him a +31 while enchanted purple Eternal Shield and he LOL in my face and said "I said GOOD". Oh well.
That guy would have probablly bought my gold gothic shield with +1 19% domination magic though just cause it was gold. People are idiots.
I dont even bother with them now. I showed some dude like a million golds worth of shields once as he was spamming WTB: +45-2e Shields. Said they were worth 30k each lol.

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


guy told me my req 8 29/-2 eternal shiled was worth 10k :O called me a noob and put me on ignore :O