Enquires : Warrior


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



this is my madien post and would like to ask some questions at here and hope some of you can help me out.

For start let me intro myself : 20 warrior (No Factions yet )

Although I am level 20 but i am still quite a newbie. LoL...

1.) I am using knight armor currently and what shd i add to my armor ? I have already add a superior absortion rune to 1 piece. The other pieces what shd i add ?

2.) Just bought a Feiry Dragon Swd (Coz it look cool. LoL) Can i add hilt to it ? Can I add pommel to it and what chioce would be good ?

3.) If i buy factions and nightfall, can my current char go over to their land ?

4.) When i get drop it seem i am unable to place a price on it to sell and it awlays go to merchant (*sigh) Any advise on where can i check pricing ?

Kindly please help me out at here.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


1) You might also like to add a vigor rune to some of your armor. It'll increase your max HP. Also depending on what type of weapon you use, you might want to get a superior rune of that weapon mastery and put it on a headpiece that gives +1 to that attribute. Also a minor rune of strength and minor rune of tactics is nice to have.

2) You can't change the hilt of a Fiery Dragon Sword or an Icey Dragon Sword, they stay Fiery or Icey respectively. Any other sword you can change the hilt though. You can also add any pommel you want to your FDS. Whatever pommel you add to it will override whatever pommel was on it at first.

3)Yep. There will be a quest from Firstwatch Sergio in Lions Arch to get to Cantha. I don't know who the quest will come from to get to Elona. Prolly the same guy though.

4)There's a price-check forum here on guildwarsguru. Here's the link.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Welcome to the forums. Being as it's your first post it sometimes helps to take a good look around at the available sub forums and stickies that might contain a lot of the information you are seeking. Stickies, FAQs and Searchs are good ways to help you weed through a lot of threads to find your information quickly.

There are also some other good resources for information, www.guildwiki.org for example is the definitive source and easy to use.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

1. Most people put their Main attribute rune (ie Superior Rune of Swordsmanship) on to their headpiece. Then they get additional head headpieces and use a different Sup. rune on that. This way, you can quickly, and cheaply, change from one type of build to another.

4. You can also get an idea what things sell for by watching the trade chat in LA, Ascalon City, and Droknar's Forge.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


LF Guild

Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
1) You might also like to add a vigor rune to some of your armor. It'll increase your max HP.
To the OP:
Yup, this is something you always want to do (unless for a certain monk build which you'll find out about later). Just remember that vigor runes (in fact, runes of the same functionality) don't stack. Meaning that if you put more than one, it'll only take the highest value from a single rune. For vigor, I suggest a major vigor. It gives 41 health (9hp from max) and is relatively cheap. Once you get playing more and have money to blow, you can get a superior vigor with 50hp on it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

You could also use the guru's auction to sell items or see what similar items sell for, link is at the top left of each page.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

NEVER put more than one Superior Rune on a warrior, besides Sup Absorb,Sup Hammer,Axe,Sword, and vigor.
Be careful of absolutes in GW, for normal play sure such a statement is OK. There are farming builds that do well with 2 superiors, it just depends on the area and enemies and build.

For every warrior out there, I prefer Glad armor due to energy.
Not every warrior build makes use of energy and some are better suited to higher AL but Gladiators is a good choice.

Again, look at how you play and decide. I imagine you'll only get one FoW set so pick the one you'll use the most and if you aren't sure perhaps you need to wait until you are more confident in choosing.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



Sorry but what does FoW mean ??

When you say runes don stack it mean if arm have rune for swd... leg cannot add rune for swd again ?
Heard b4 some runes can stack ... what are they ? I only know absortion... vigor can stack ??



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


No type of runes stack - that's why people say don't use more than one of each.

(unless you're doing something special like a 55 build)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Originally Posted by Eliz
Sorry but what does FoW mean ??
FoW = Fissure of Woe.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



But i remember someone telling me that Superior Absortion of rune stack ... that is the only rune for warrior which can be used on different pieces ... example arms and chest and legs.... Am i mislead ?? anyone can ans me ? thanks a lot...


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Eliz
But i remember someone telling me that Superior Absortion of rune stack ... that is the only rune for warrior which can be used on different pieces ... example arms and chest and legs.... Am i mislead ?? anyone can ans me ? thanks a lot...
Two Superior Absortion do not stack. One Superior Absortion + a piece of knight's armor will stack. However, knight's armor only reduce damage on that one piece of armor.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Yes, what stacks with absorption is coming from different sources: rune, armor, shield. Rune + rune do not stack, armor + armor does not stack but instead covers hits to the pieces protected.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006



Sorry i don seem to understand it...
lets juz use a example...

i using full set knight ....

Head :
Chest : Chest ...
Hand :
Leg :
Boot :

I have currently attach a superior to my chest.
Can i add another superior to my leg and will it stack ?
For the other pieces what recommendations ?

Sorry but i am really blur in these things.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

no, 1 rune covers the whole armor


sup asorbtion x1
sup/major vigor x1
sup swordsmanship x1
minor str x1
monor tactics x1

use those runes