Anything wrong with playing your secondary as your primary?

Malice Black

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Join Date: Oct 2005

I think most ppl used either ele or monk as secondary first time round



Major-General Awesome

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Actually yeah, now that I think of it, there was alot of X/E and X/Mo's around 15 and a bit months ago. Now you go to Pre-Sear and all you see is players level 8+ without a secondary, and players 12+ with N/E or Mo/E. Pre-Sear does have alot more specialised Primary/Secondary players now.

Back on topic: No, there isn't anything wrong with it, as there are lots of different builds you can try using your secondary for skills, and using your primary for it's unique attribute.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


A lot of people have said it already, but I think it bears repeating. As long as your combo is still useful and can get some other benefit from the primary, then it's all fine and dandy.

I went out and tested the Bow Warrior myself on day, because I was thining of trying a Heavy Ranger (Warrior with max Str, AP bow skills, and the like). What I found out was that Strength doesn't effect Bows. At all. I was doing EXACTLY the same damage at 0 Strength as I was at 16 Strength. Combined with the Ranger's costly skills and the Warriors abismal energy I found that that particular combination is simply a bad idea. You can still deal damage, that's not in question, but there's SOOOO much better that you could do.

A little after that I tried a Critical Barrager (A/R with maxed Critical Strikes, Sharpen Daggers, Barrage, and Critical Eye). I was floored at how much damage I could deal, not to mention wide spread Bleeding. That combo can do something that a Ranger primary can NOT do effectively and that's 1) massive critical strike spam at range, and 2) have a status effect in addition to Barrage. That makes that combo viable and VERY useful.

Another example is my own character of choice for PvE, the Sword Ranger. Rangers don't have the armor of a Warrior and they can't get their stats as high either. So, why would you want to make something like that? Easy: Energy skill spam out the yin-yang. Buff up your Expertise and drop Seeking Blade and Wild Blow on your skillbar. You'll be able to use those skills every time they come up, something a Warrior may not be able to do. You may not have the max damage capabilty, but most PvE Warriors are meant to take damage, not deal it. You can also use Apply Poison without much energy worry (although I woulnd't recomend putting a lot of points behind it. You'll be spamming it too fast for that to matter). Axe Rangers and Hammer Rangers work wonders as well, just because of their abbility to energy spam without problems.

I guess what I'm saying here is that you just need to test out your character and find out what works and what doesn't work before you go looking for groups.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by VGJustice
What I found out was that Strength doesn't effect Bows. At all. I was doing EXACTLY the same damage at 0 Strength as I was at 16 Strength.
Strength only applies on attack skills and it does work on bows unless somethings changed recently, but yes, you won't see it on auto-attacks (which is part of the reason why strength is so garbage).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


actually, I was testing that with Barrage. Did nothing.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Horseman Of War
isnt that a mesmer weapon?? lolz

Yeah, it is... but she refused to give it up.

Ironically, I'd done the same mission a few weeks earlier with a
warrior using a bow (THK), and after a few sentences in private
chat, he agreed that he wasn't using his character to the best
advantage and switched to an axe.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by VGJustice
actually, I was testing that with Barrage. Did nothing.
I just spent 10 minutes killing innocent dummies. Results.

12 Marks, 0 Strength, Called Shot Crits at 61 (15^50 Hornbow, Customised).

12 Marks, 12 Strength, Called Shot Crits at 70 (15^50 Hornbow, Customised).

Strength works with bows. It just sucks.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Well, I would say there are two different answers here.

First - do you want to be useful? Then a lot of the advice above is spot on. It's going to be rare.

Second - do you care? For the most part I do not so I do whatever I feel like. I would encourage that - you bought the game, have fun. You will always find people who think you have to play the way they have fun, and if you do not then you suck.

However, I would point out that the second option is NOT a universal catch all. For PvE either hench it or be VERY upfront with groups. I play all henchies, 99% of the time I could care less if I played a whole team of screw arounds as long as they are upfront. In non-beginner Random Areana's I wouldn't care either (beginner areas should be assumed as new players seeing if they like the game), no one should be playing RA expecting to get a great team - if you do then you will always be *highly* dissapointed and angry. This is also assuming that you are making a real attempt at playing - greifing (even if it weak greifing in taking an intentionally sucky character and goofing off) and such is wrong no matter what.

That essentially comes down to the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" - would you be angry to have someone in your group doing what you are (do not rationalise it - be truthful)? If no, then pretty much go ahead. The vast majority of the time you already know the answer to questions like this - if in doubt then I don't do it (then again, I don't want to ruin others game).



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Yeah, I could so see it..

As a W/E..
"I'm using Meteor Storm on ______"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


I've actually made a viable Golem build using Ritualist as primary, a lot of Spawning power. Secondary as necro with just Flesh golem and then BotM and weapon enchants. It works suprisingly well. It's like adding an extra tank to your party. Good damage output with the weapon spells. It works wonderfully in some instances like this,where most people would say that a necromancer primary with max death magic would produce a superior golem. Honestly my Golem outlasts any necro primary golem in combat. It simply has more hit points and higher damage output. Now is my build as effective as a full on MM? No not by a damned site but it does work and it is viable. It's easier to do it with casters though because of energy pool reasons, you can't be a nuker as a warrior primary it so does not work, but it can work.