roleplaying/pvp character


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

ok what is the diffrence...what ive been told is thar pvp gets u right to lvl 20 so u can do war in ure guild and the roleplaying u have to work ure way up to lvl 20 with quest and batling then u turn to pvp and do pvp in ure guild......if this information is wrong please correct me.....and which way is the best way to go...thank you



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Order of the Setting Sun


Well the best way to go is for you to decide.

If you like playing a character from ground 0 (level 1) and like playing through a storyline then you should do that.

If you are really into PvP and want to jump right in then the Lvl 20 starter character is the way to go.

Something you could do is create both types. Create your PvE character and start into the storyline and see if you like it. And go ahead and create a Lvl 20 PvP character and get into some battles and see how you like that.

I think doing the PvE part first is a little bit better becuase you really get a feel for how skill combos work and can test alot of combos out in the PvE enviroment.

Just my 2 cents worth,



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

so basicly pvp is jsut doing player killing without the hassle of making ure char and pve is u have to make ure char then u do pvp?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

PvP characters cannot leave pvp areas. If you want to adventure around the world with a character, make a PvE char. PvE chars can also carry a backpack full of extra equipment in PvP which makes them slightly better in PvP. Filling that backpack with useful stuff takes quite a while though


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

what do most people play in?
so basicly i can do pve can do all the stuff pvp people can do and more?
what do the competions are in pvp or pve?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by dbogusz
what do most people play in?
Both modes have lots of people playing so that's not a problem

Originally Posted by dbogusz
so basicly i can do pve can do all the stuff pvp people can do and more?
Yes. But PvE chars can do more since they can adventure and play PvP while PvP chars can only play PvP. But, making a PvE character that has equipment as good as a PvP characters takes a bit more time.

Originally Posted by dbogusz
what do the competions are in pvp or pve?
In factions PvE there are competative missions and challenge missions

In PvP there's random arena, team arena, heroes ascent, guild vs guild and alliance battles.

Search the battle types in I'm too lazy to describe them all.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

so basicly once u reach lvl 20 in pve you turn into a pvp character?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Well, at level 20. you'll be equal to the most basic pvp character you can make if:
You have the best armor (armor that costs 1500 plat or above)
You finished the extra attribute point quests