Questions about assasin armors and enchanting mods for weapons

Zaganher Deathbane

Zaganher Deathbane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Las Vegas


Do assasin armors that reduces the duration of certain conditions stacked?

Is the effect of an enchanting mod in a weapon counts only if I cast an enchantment spell holding that weapon or only for as long as I keep on holding it I get the benefits that is if I have an enchantment on me?

Thank you. God bless


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Alt Control Delete


You mean having five pieces of crippling reducing being stacked? I would say no
If you get hit in the chest that piece of condition reducing is used.

If you wonder if condition reduction happens if you have armor + weapon/shield with condition reduction then they stack but only to a maximal amount I think. My guess is you can only get 50% condition reduction.

Weapon of Enchanting only happens when you cast the spell while holding the weapon. A bit unsure but that's the way it should work imo.