How The Heck!?!?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Newcastle, Australia

Deaths Dynasty [DnD]


I have been farming ghial solo on my monk recently and its advised to take glyph of conncentration to help with the interupts that the Jade mesmers do.. they have often been interupting my Prot Spirit which is a 1/4 Spell which was getting really agrovating.. So i Decided to Look up the spell which was interupting me and it was Power Return and Signet of Disruption which are both 1/4 sec cast spells so how is it possible to interupt a 1/4 spell with another 1/4 spell?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Alt Control Delete


With the Attribute Fast Casting you cast spells faster making the 1/4 cast spells a little faster, and they have godlike reflexes



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

That and if you cast skills in any sequence, they might miss one skill and hit another.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Newcastle, Australia

Deaths Dynasty [DnD]


Originally Posted by Anryla
With the Attribute Fast Casting you cast spells faster making the 1/4 cast spells a little faster, and they have godlike reflexes
Yes but i have been interupted by signets also not just power return and signets are not affected by fast casting



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Newcastle, Australia

Deaths Dynasty [DnD]


Originally Posted by Avarre
That and if you cast skills in any sequence, they might miss one skill and hit another.
i thought of that so i started casting spells further apart and was still being interupted

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

The signet shouldnt be able to interrupt prot spirit, but power return can as the NPC's have no reaction time.

What i do find annoying is how an attaxe can interrupt prot spirit (1/4second) with savage slash (1/2 second) when they dont spam interrupts and i dont chain cast.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Newcastle, Australia

Deaths Dynasty [DnD]


Originally Posted by Divinus Stella
What i do find annoying is how an attaxe can interrupt prot spirit (1/4second) with savage slash (1/2 second) when they dont spam interrupts and i dont chain cast.
i totally agree with that it gets so annoying but then again SV ftw



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by Divinus Stella
What i do find annoying is how an attaxe can interrupt prot spirit (1/4second) with savage slash (1/2 second) when they dont spam interrupts and i dont chain cast.
What's *even more* annoying is the fact that can interrupt PS even while you are in Bonetti's stance. I'm a pretty laid back guy, but that sort of foul play pisses me off in a microsecond.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Hmm..I Farm ghial and they have never hit Prot Spirit >_> They go to town in HB though, and sometimes Concentration itself.

What I do is:
Before I aggro the jade going across the bridge to ghial, I put up HB and PS. Then I aggro up the groups there and move across that bridge. Right before I aggro Ghials group I put my spells back up and usually get Concentration rdy. I move into position beside Ghial and cast HB (which falls under concen) and cast concentration again. If all goes well on that cast I'll put up Sliver Armor and use PS and HB liberally while I wait the 8-9 secs it takes to kill him. If that concentration gets interupted I use PS then try it again, if it gets interupted again I use HB and hope they are out of interupts then I glyph until it catches and then put Sliver up.

It basically gives me time to shrug off 1-2 interupts in a row without fear of dying.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I farm Ghail with a wa/mo and use Vigorous Spirit to lure the interrupt then safely cast Healing Hands. VS is on a 4 second timer so in a couple seconds I cast it safely as well. Can you do likewise, lure the interrupt with a quick recharging spell? How about an enchantment you already have up?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


It is possible that you are getting interrupted by the signet. Sometimes they may use the spell when you aren't actually casting and catch it. I often can catch the beginning of a short duration cast when I interrupt by anticipating it or just by blind luck.