I have a question about a possible nerfed beta item




Join Date: Aug 2006


Of course it all starts with I have a friend who knows a guy yada yada yada....but anyways here goes...

I have a friend who knows a guy who supposedly has 2 of the rarest items I have ever heard about. One item dropped during the beta for him and if I am not mistaken it would be worth tons. He claims that the guy has a max or near max Req 7 Chaos Axe. While that by itself is rare and all he claims that the Chaos Axe does not do normal slashing dmg, but infact does Chaos Dmg. Now if I understand this correctly this guy has an axe that ignores armor and just takes 6-28 dmg per hit with no reduction due to a players armor level.

The second item that he supposedly has is a Req 8 +5 Energy Crystalline sword. Now I am pretty good about keeping up with some the elite items that move around guru and a few misc items that belong to different players, but I was under the assumption that not only does a +5 Energy Crystalline not exist but it cannot exist with it being a Prophecies only skin.

Anyways I argued a little bit with my friend about these items and he claims that he has seen them and that he could probably provide me with a screenshot next time the guy gets online. My friend wants to keep this guy's in game name a secret so that once the items are verified he will not be bugged out the items. Also please do not shoot the messenger here as I am only relaying the information from a source whom I trust very much.

Now of course he is more than likely full of it on the Crystalline or just mistaken, but does anyone know if such a chaos axe could exist? If I am able to obtain proof of the existence of these items I will more than likely post a screenshot of them. I DO NOT WANT TO BE BOTHERED ABOUT THIS INGAME. Please post comments or any info that you have on the items that I mentioned in this thread only.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

I don't know about a Chaos Axe ever dealing chaos damage, but it wouldn't ignore armour as Chaos damage is classified as elemental. Considering there is no specific defense against chaos itself, it would merely behave the same way as fire damage except not have any skills that provide bonus AL against it.

The +5e Crystalline is entirely more possible due to a few days before Factions, Prophecies weapons did drop with +5e mods. So far it seemed to be a mistake. However the said items have not been fixed.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I was under the impression that all beta items were removed before the game went live. Wish I was there to know for sure. =)

And before everyone else screams it - nobody will believe anything without a screenshot of these items that we can scrutinize for illicit photoshopping.




Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Sekkira
I don't know about a Chaos Axe ever dealing chaos damage, but it wouldn't ignore armour as Chaos damage is classified as elemental. Considering there is no specific defense against chaos itself, it would merely behave the same way as fire damage except not have any skills that provide bonus AL against it.

The +5e Crystalline is entirely more possible due to a few days before Factions, Prophecies weapons did drop with +5e mods. So far it seemed to be a mistake. However the said items have not been fixed.
So technically the Chaos Axe would be extremely rare simple cause instead of Slashing Dmg it does Chaos Dmg instead, but the damage isn't really anything special? That is fine.

As far as the +5 Energy Crystalline goes I do remember that there were a few days where tyrian skins dropped with +5 energy, but I am sure there would have been some discussion if a +5 Energy Crystalline dropped. I just never saw it. I mean I own a +5 Energy Serpent and a +5 Energy Brute, but those can also drop in factions I think. I know the Serpent does cause that is where I got mine.
Originally Posted by Mournblade
I was under the impression that all beta items were removed before the game went live. Wish I was there to know for sure. =)

And before everyone else screams it - nobody will believe anything without a screenshot of these items that we can scrutinize for illicit photoshopping.
Yeah I thought beta items were removed too so I cannot explain this item.

And as far as the screenshot goes I will examine it myself VERY closely before posting it if infact I am able to get it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

Black Rose Assassins [BRA]


When Guild Wars went retail, all characters from the beta were reset. That means everything in their inventory was deleted, along with their gold.

The possibility for that req 8 +5 energy crystalline is there. The only way to get them is from the chest in HoH or getting extremely luck on a FoW/UW chest.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


There have been several claims about warrior weapons having chaos damage. More than anything, it has been relating to the chaos axe (as the name would imply) and the mursaat hammer. All claims that I have seen however, have been shut down as none of them were verified with a screen shot.




Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by G_MAGNUS
There have been several claims about warrior weapons having chaos damage. More than anything, it has been relating to the chaos axe (as the name would imply) and the mursaat hammer. All claims that I have seen however, have been shut down as none of them were verified with a screen shot.
Yeah I am really going to try to get a screenshot of it. It has really sparked my interest cause the guy that told me about it is a really trust worthy guy. He has no reason to try and fool me or anything. I just hope the person with the items in question is going to be available to show the weapons.