Cap Sig
Reserved Egotist that we have profession-changing bosses...any word on how signets of capture will work?
Originally Posted by Reserved Egotist that we have profession-changing bosses...any word on how signets of capture will work?
1 a drop down menu with every skill it has (all professions)
2 only a list of the skills from what profession it was at time of death to make it more interesting
gabrial heart
Well, you can only cap for your proffession now, so i don't think much would change there. If they make it so you can only cap on proffession @ death, it would make it A LOT tougher to cap all the elites

Horseman Of War
yeah, i hope it doesnt hinder capping elites-> missions where u have to make it to the end to cap one sig you want will suddenly become the reason of ragequitting.
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Reserved Egotist that we have profession-changing bosses...any word on how signets of capture will work?
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
There's going to be profession changing bosses? Where did you see this? Wow, the posters here are God's at finding information. No wonder I love this site!
It'll probably be, as said, on time of death.
I, for one, will appreciate the challenge of telling W/Mos to stop attacking the bood so that it can change into a better form.
Or perhaps the profession-changing bosses will be special Kanaxai/Urgoz style uberbosses that don't carry elites.
the review at the time was based on the 1st 1 or 2 missions... pretty sure we wont be seeing any urgoz level bosses by then. Also other descriptions of the 1st mission list the boss as some form of shapeshifting boss.
What Kakumei said. I doubt EVERY boss will be profession changing.
What Kakumei said. I doubt EVERY boss will be profession changing.
Quid Pro Quo
Infact I'm sure its just the one in the tutorial that will do that. I think other bosses will have their own unique abilities that will make them challenging such as turning invisable or turning into many enemies that have to ALL be killed in a certain ammount of time or the enemy will form back together with full health.
That type of thing.
That type of thing.
These bosses don't strike me as the kind that you cap skills from, but rather "epic bosses" (such as the Lich) who are key in the storyline and to make them truly unique encounters have more than the traditional 8 skills.
Amok Affinity
profession-changing bosses...? wow... hope that never sees the light of day...
if i think bosses i think greens, if i think greens i think farming.
So if the bosses are changing profs drop they evry time an other green?
at 1 side that would be cool caus you dont need to farm at 1 special place, on the other side, the boss need to have first the right profession and then he need to drops hes green.
so if a boss drops a green 1/10 times this would become 1/80 cause they change of profession to :/
So if the bosses are changing profs drop they evry time an other green?
at 1 side that would be cool caus you dont need to farm at 1 special place, on the other side, the boss need to have first the right profession and then he need to drops hes green.
so if a boss drops a green 1/10 times this would become 1/80 cause they change of profession to :/
profession-changing bosses...? wow... hope that never sees the light of day... |
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by ICI
if i think bosses i think greens, if i think greens i think farming.
So if the bosses are changing profs drop they evry time an other green? at 1 side that would be cool caus you dont need to farm at 1 special place, on the other side, the boss need to have first the right profession and then he need to drops hes green. so if a boss drops a green 1/10 times this would become 1/80 cause they change of profession to :/ |
Here's a thought, you will know when the new chapter is available