I posted this in another thread but I think this needs to be seen by everyone.
Question 1: is this prerelease bonus pack something extra you buy and then you need to reserve your copy of Nightfall?
Many of the online places you can get this prerelease bonus pack seem to be selling this seperately it is very confuseing and apears to be quite different from the way factions "preorder bonus pack" was handled... I cant imagine that anet would have you buy a prerelease bonus pack that gives you an extra character slot for 10 bucks..... and then make you pay full price for the game, where is the bonus in buying the prerelease then??!! some music and some special weps??? After all extra character slots you can buy now for 10 bucks. So far every online websight I have been to looking for this prerelease pack shows this as a seperate purchase from nightfall and say nothing about this acting as a preorder of your copy of Nightfall.
Makeing nightfall with the prerelease costing you aprox 10 bucks and nightfall costing you aprox 50 bucks makeing this a 60 buck game purchase. Compared to factions preorder where you got the preorder bonus for 5 or 10 bucks and that money went towards your purchase of factions when it was released. The bonus should be that you preorderd...otherwise this is just a marketing ploy to sell extra charcter slots and these special dervish and paragon wepons.
I am totaly confused can anyone from anet please clear this up??!!
here are some links demonstrating what I mean...
http://www.ebgames.com/productmerch.asp?groupid=546 with "starter kit 54.98.... without 49.99
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=nightfall&sc=Global&cp =1&sp=&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1%7E%7Eq6e6967687466616c6c%7E%7Enccat01000%23%231% 23%232&list=n&usc=All+Categories&nrp=15&iht=n prerelease is 9.99 Nightfall is 49.99
every place I have looked I see the same thing.... so HELP are we getting riped off by these online stores or is this some sort of mix up that needs to be fixed?? Not to mention NONE of the local stores I have called know anything about any prerelease being out for me to buy on september 15th... in fact all of the online stores I have found show that the prerelease wont be shiped out till october 24th..... I am so terribly confused and just dont wish to get riped off...
Prerelease is it indeed a preorder or not??!!
Bocjo Bassannn
it is a seperate product not related to a pre-order in any way.
it is a seperate product not related to a pre-order in any way.
Horseman Of War
there are a million thread on this already. try using the search button.
54.98 as a combo pack is probably the best "average" price you can get... and considering you get a character slot (10 dollar value) i would say it is a good deal.
Anet is selling the pre-order kit (call it what u want) for a set price (5 dollars), so dont expect to get it for free anywhere. If you DO get it free for ordering, its because the store youre buying from decided to cut the cost of sales for whatever reason.
Id say get the combo for $55- It really is a good deal to get the pre-release (call it what u want)
54.98 as a combo pack is probably the best "average" price you can get... and considering you get a character slot (10 dollar value) i would say it is a good deal.
Anet is selling the pre-order kit (call it what u want) for a set price (5 dollars), so dont expect to get it for free anywhere. If you DO get it free for ordering, its because the store youre buying from decided to cut the cost of sales for whatever reason.
Id say get the combo for $55- It really is a good deal to get the pre-release (call it what u want)
Omega X
ITs a separate product, but EB/Gamestop saw it for what it really was.
Bocjo Bassannn
When you pre-order Guild Wars Nightfall, you'll receive an awesome bonus package with exclusive material. Get access to register your account before the game launches. Reserve your character name in advance to be sure no one else can use it. Receive one additional character slot. Two exclusive in-game items are yours to wield: the Fiery Sunspear of Shelter and the Icy Soulbreaker of Enchanting. |
as already stated, it is up to each retailer to decide how they want to sell these. They can sell them seperatly, or as a pre-order bonus. Had you looked at that thread I linked to, you would have see the info about best buy was posted yesterday.
Bocjo Bassannn
Thanks for the help confusion over and my prerelease's are reserved....
Sorry for not takeing the time to use the search button ect... but this was being bought for me for a gift and I didnt have time to spend reading thread after thread of "best guesses".
Sorry for not takeing the time to use the search button ect... but this was being bought for me for a gift and I didnt have time to spend reading thread after thread of "best guesses".