So what happens when...
How long is Anet going to continue releasing new classes to play? As it is... It's going to get pretty hard to keep up with all the different combinations and such after whatever comes after Nightfall. I'm just wondering, because I remember some of the worst things about games like DAoC and Everquest was because there were a billion different classes to the extent where players thought of it as lame.
So... What will happen?
So... What will happen?
Yeah, 10 professions will kinda saturate the game. I still haven't accustomed to Rits and Assassins and I doubt I'll take much interest in Dervishes and Paragons. I feel quantity is dominating quality now.
As of right now, I think its a good mix, with all the builds being the same that everyone uses, its getting lame. Diversity is good, *since this game is based on skill*. Its nice to come up to something different. We have 10 profs out now? (with nightfall). Doesnt seem like too much to me.
I don't think Anet have said that they will keep introducing professions with each new chapter, so I think we'll end up with 10 and I think it's just fine.
Magic the Gathering is a similar game to Guild Wars. Well, it has some similarities; just bear with me on this fact. Anyway, Magic has 39 game expansions, each with their own features and mechanics. It also has 10 core sets. Magic hasn't gotten old yet, it's still going quite strong. Diversity in games like these are good.
However, Magic also has different tournament formats limiting which expansions and core sets can be used so that players won't get overwhelmed by the ridiculously large amount of options available in an un-restricted game. Guild Wars may need to implement something similar if they continue to crank out new professions every 6 months.
However, Magic also has different tournament formats limiting which expansions and core sets can be used so that players won't get overwhelmed by the ridiculously large amount of options available in an un-restricted game. Guild Wars may need to implement something similar if they continue to crank out new professions every 6 months.
Perhaps we will see Type 1/2 of PvP play.
(Type 1 Being all classes.All skills.)
(Type 2 Being only core classes(With only core skills,that Chapters skills and the recent two classes.)
(Type 1 Being all classes.All skills.)
(Type 2 Being only core classes(With only core skills,that Chapters skills and the recent two classes.)
I hope, hope hope and hope some more, that the next expansion will not be new classes. There's alot they could do, and if they dedicate the time to the things people want, instead of the Classes, they could get alot done.
Phaern Majes
Personally the more classes the better. I like to see people using UNIQUE builds. Not the same out, SS, MM, IWAY, VIM, Dual Smite, blah blah blah blah blah blah puke. Sure they work, but I mean come on doesn't it stop being fun eventually? Anyways more classes = more build possiblities.
I want a LOT of new skills for the core professions. Skill expansions simply put.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by defrule
I want a LOT of new skills for the core professions. Skill expansions simply put.
Limited Skill tournaments
Shadowspawn X
People need to be creative and embrace the new proffessions, there will not be an issue till they hit 20 or so, then people wont even know half the proffessions and it will be time to stop.
They are experimenting with sealed play
For PvE though, they can keep going and going like MtG...
For PvE though, they can keep going and going like MtG...
Originally Posted by majoho
I don't think Anet have said that they will keep introducing professions with each new chapter, so I think we'll end up with 10 and I think it's just fine.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
Personally the more classes the better. I like to see people using UNIQUE builds. Not the same out, SS, MM, IWAY, VIM, Dual Smite, blah blah blah blah blah blah puke. Sure they work, but I mean come on doesn't it stop being fun eventually? Anyways more classes = more build possiblities.
Like instead of IWAY you might be all DervWAY or something. Its all the same.
Another point I wanted to make about the More classes=More diversity comment is:
NO! NONO NO NO! Ok, now that that's out of the way, I say this because more classes does NOT improve diversity or ingenuity. If you simply scrap out class after class with no meshing, you'll just have these separate classes that do one thing well as defined by a single cookie cutter. It devalues the sense of creativity when you are given many options but no means to be creative. See, what makes the Core professions so great is that they mesh well. Each class is streamlined in such a way that it is possible to VIABLY combine almost any class combination and have something that works well. Now then, we move on to Factions. While the Ritualist and Assassin are arguably solid classes, there is little to medium amounts of synergy between them and the Core classes. In fact, there is hardly ANY possible synergistic relations between the two Faction professions themselves.
Synergy. The essence of what makes a game imitative or innovative, this is the one thing that attracted me the most to Guild Wars, it's uncanny ability for great synergistic possibilities when creating builds. I believe that if Guild Wars is going to continue pooping out expansions Synergy is going to be a KEY role in keeping old GW players like myself coming for more.
NO! NONO NO NO! Ok, now that that's out of the way, I say this because more classes does NOT improve diversity or ingenuity. If you simply scrap out class after class with no meshing, you'll just have these separate classes that do one thing well as defined by a single cookie cutter. It devalues the sense of creativity when you are given many options but no means to be creative. See, what makes the Core professions so great is that they mesh well. Each class is streamlined in such a way that it is possible to VIABLY combine almost any class combination and have something that works well. Now then, we move on to Factions. While the Ritualist and Assassin are arguably solid classes, there is little to medium amounts of synergy between them and the Core classes. In fact, there is hardly ANY possible synergistic relations between the two Faction professions themselves.
Synergy. The essence of what makes a game imitative or innovative, this is the one thing that attracted me the most to Guild Wars, it's uncanny ability for great synergistic possibilities when creating builds. I believe that if Guild Wars is going to continue pooping out expansions Synergy is going to be a KEY role in keeping old GW players like myself coming for more.
Originally Posted by EagleEye33
As of right now, I think its a good mix, with all the builds being the same that everyone uses, its getting lame. Diversity is good, *since this game is based on skill*. Its nice to come up to something different. We have 10 profs out now? (with nightfall). Doesnt seem like too much to me.
The more the better until a certain point tho
Legendary Shiz
To be honest, I really hope they slow down with the expansions if they plan on adding two new classes per expansion.
One a year, maybe one every 8 months. 10 months. 6 is just too quick. People haven't been able to figure out even all the nice builds for sins or rits yet and we're already adding dervs and paragons. I'm not complaining, because I'm excited for nightfall. Just saying, they should slow it down...or I like the idea of the skill expansion.
One a year, maybe one every 8 months. 10 months. 6 is just too quick. People haven't been able to figure out even all the nice builds for sins or rits yet and we're already adding dervs and paragons. I'm not complaining, because I'm excited for nightfall. Just saying, they should slow it down...or I like the idea of the skill expansion.
their business plan is built around a 6 month release and if that is too much for you buy only the one you like best of the 2 that year.
chapter 4 will be out April 27th 2007 on the 2nd anniversary so get ready
lol I'm such a n00b, i met a rit for the first time last week, and all i could think of was gettin him to dance- just to see that "style" they have!
I think the idea of new professions is good. Trying them all will definatly keep me going for a bit!
I think the idea of new professions is good. Trying them all will definatly keep me going for a bit!
Well, new professions is basically what i buy campaigns for. I always get bored of playing the same game style and new professions is what introduces some variety...
They better keep adding new professions cause the first expansion without 2 new professions is the first one i certainly won´t buy. I work 8 hours a day and was still bored with Factions 2 months ago. And i completed the PvE campaign with 6 characters. The only thing saving Factions in my book was the 2 new classes and the AB. Everything else i could do without cause its mediocre at best *cough* city *cough*.
There is a limit to class diversity. Imagine Anet run out of ideas and produce a new class with combos like the assassin but uses adrenaline instead of energy
I dont think they will run out of ideas for classes so fast. For example im still waiting for a decent summoner class. No minions that die on their own doesn´t cut it. And a shapeshifting druid like class would be nice too.
Maybe in a couple of years time when we get to chapter 7/8 then we might see them stop makeing new characters BUT NOW we are nowhere near the amout of classes other "MMO'S" have.