Leechers and Macroers

Lord Beramus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

a lot of different places

Brutal Encounter


This game would be perfect if not for this minority or leechers and macroers especialy in places like Fort Aspenwood and jade Quary. It is a real frustration having to quit or play a doomed result because of this people especialy in hours where the traffic is low and is not very easy to enter a battle.

I would like to ask if arena net is thinking to take some misures against those people that ruin our game community.

I mean it would be easy to put there a GM for half an hour, take some names, give a warning that if repeated again they will get an account suspension let's say for ten days and if they continue they will get a permanent ban. Have scribe to post their names there and I am pretty sure that all this will stop.

I would like an answer from arena net's responsible if possible as well from all players that think it like I do and I thank you in advance for your time to read and occupy with this thread.

Since I don't post much I would like to seize the opportunity to congratulate with arena net for this wonderful game.

Swords Bright

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


I assume ANet doesn't want to ban leechers because it may take some time to get in to a match. I.e., someone clicks enter, waits for a minute, then goes to have lunch - and during that time the avatar enters a match.
The solution to that type of AFK'ing would be to kick idle players after, say, one minute (and replace them with a random henchman).

Of course, most of the leeches are actually using scripts which automatically enter them into matches while they're at work/school/home for the mentally impaired, and they'll counter by modifying their script so their avatar twitches/uses a skill once per minute.

Which would have the advantage of making them easier to spot as bots, and botters should be instantly perma-banned.

Lord Beramus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

a lot of different places

Brutal Encounter


Today I spent 2 hours in Fort aspewood trying to find a "free leechers group" and it was a wasted time.

Are you going to do something about it or not?

Big problems start from minor ones you know!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

Originally Posted by Lord Beramus
Today I spent 2 hours in Fort aspewood trying to find a "free leechers group" and it was a wasted time.

Are you going to do something about it or not?

Big problems start from minor ones you know!
um if you were looking for a free leechers group that kinda sounds like you were looking to be a leech if you stated it that way which could result in noone joining up/inviting


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Leechers have been a problem for quite a while. ANet has not made any game modification to solve the problem. ANet has not made a reply to the problem. I'm not sure ANet even acknowledges that it is a problem.

I liked playing in Fort Aspenwood. I no longer play there because of the leechers.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by N E D M
um if you were looking for a free leechers group that kinda sounds like you were looking to be a leech if you stated it that way which could result in noone joining up/inviting
Well, I think we all have problems joining up/inviting in Fort Aspenwood, since there is no joining up/inviting...

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



It doesn't look like they've been able to find a solution for the
situation yet.

Seems like they want those areas to remain set for random
player match up so that a handful of "elite" groups won't
be able to totally control them.

They can only ban so many people before they start losing
a significant number of customers. If I'm in a battle and hear
a crash in the other room, I'm going to go afk to see what it
was. If I come back a minute later and find I've been banned
from the game because it was determined that I'm a leacher,
I'm going to be really pissed.

That's just one example of why this is a difficult problem to
solve. I'm pretty sure they want to solve it, and are trying to
find a workable way. If you just can't stand it, it might be best
to move to other areas of the game until they figure it out.

If anyone has any ideas that won't cause as many problems
as it fixes, I'm sure they'd like to see them in the suggestion



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Losing faction for "Showing Cowardice" in battle...
Not severe but forces ppl to do sumthing or they don't gain anything. Not showing cowardice would be taking or giving damage, or healing, not just using a skill once a minute which i understand bots could do. Partaking a role in the match, and if you start to not do things, you're faction goes down.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Leechers are something that won't go away .... think about it:

1. Anet has to HIRE people to do this, because booting people would be unfair if they are just afk for a minute or two because they need to do something.

2. Anet won't really gain anything (in terms of profit) for this. THINK! about 80%-90% of people get this game for PvE... not PvP, and even if you play PvP now, you are probably using your PvE character. They need to pay people in the thousands to do this job.

3. If they WERE nice, they would do something, but they aren't and they won't. Think about it, all of these guys only want to make money, we are their profit, after we buy ONE game, they have made 50$ already... pretty soon they will get us hooked with their new intro's and new themes.... thus making a better business with each new intro.

4. Lots of poeple leech, use bots, ...etc. they have to view which offenses are bad enough to ban, and pretty much everything they are protecting is their money....they can't ban everyone for commiting one minor offense .... and besides, who is keeping track, i can't really think of a way to keep track anyways.

5. This is why they aren't charging us! Most games charge a fee so they can hire people to observe the people in game. Come on, you really think we would have EVERYTHING, you had to know that we were going to pay the price eventually.

Lastly, its not that bad, leechers occur on both sides and usually balances out anyways because im sure you will have cases where you have an unbalance to you favor, as well as a unbalance to their favor.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


1. No. Simply kicking AFK's doesn't require staff.
2. Yes they do. Keeping the players happy is the name of the game, and ANet is working hard to do exactly that.
3. Yes, ANet is nice, and that's why they wont do anything: they wont risk banning real people who are not botting.
4. Botting isn't a minor offense. It's about the biggest offense you can commit online in GW. It's an insta-perma-ban offense.
5. They aren't charging us because they're using a different financial model, with updates every six months.

Thanks for playing, your score was 0 out of 5.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

poopoo newyork

Twighlight Dragons


ok so one time i had super horrid DIA**** hope u know what that stands for

and i had to go afk during an AB and i sat through the hole thing on the toilet. lol

srry to neone who may have had to throw up few tims reading this


Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006



"1. No. Simply kicking AFK's doesn't require staff.
2. Yes they do. Keeping the players happy is the name of the game, and ANet is working hard to do exactly that.
3. Yes, ANet is nice, and that's why they wont do anything: they wont risk banning real people who are not botting.
4. Botting isn't a minor offense. It's about the biggest offense you can commit online in GW. It's an insta-perma-ban offense.
5. They aren't charging us because they're using a different financial model, with updates every six months.

Thanks for playing, your score was 0 out of 5."

you misread about most of my post...

and i think you are wrong...

for 1. i SPECIFICALLY STATED that they shouldn't kick ppl who have been afk for a few minutes...i suggested that if they do it continuously they should be banned
2. PvE is what most people want, not PvP..im stating the difference in business tactics..you appeal to what the consumer needs...keep it as appealing as it needs to be. yYu bought the game, thats all the money they need!Next they develop and make the storyline gameplay better and sell that update and welcome noob...more money, more fame, more people, not alot of money spent.
3.They won't risk banning people because they lose people playing, they have to see what way they will make more money and when to cut the line. and noobs will always take their place
for number 4, I was just using bots as a reference...
for #5 is not entirely true.... its optional...and they have a chance of not getting a huge sell plus its not automatic

and no...thank YOU for playing your score: 0/11





Join Date: Oct 2006


United Farmers of Europe[FOE]


well i have just about about given up totally with FA JQ and ABing because of leechers, I have reported one Character before and again this morning for AGAIN VERY OBVIOUS BOTing to A-Net, I feel i have just wasted my game playing time in order to do this as i assumed that they would have been booted after the first time, as they state in there policy, they take BOTing very seriously,(LMAO at that "Policy") , they really must not care for the genuine game player and the frustration we all go through with this, reward the cheaters and take the enjoyment of our gameing expeience away, i know its only a small part of the game but i think we all have a right to be able to enjoy all aspects of the game. otherwise something would have been done about this a long time ago.
I detest these BOTS/Leechers as they have the ability to get Legendary Survivors on a PvP/PvE character without any risk or further risk and this then lessen the hard work of genuine Survivor Title holders. Didn`t they fix the Drunkards Bug because they thought it was unfair or they wanted people to buy grog?, i think this should fall into the same catagory as well then because these people then dont need to purchase signiature of capture?

To me the solution is very simple. for FA JQ or ABing

Upon starting the game to entry time no points are awarded, obviously as none can be and none are.
Upon Entry time you have 5 or 10 seconds to move your character to the/a portal or past a certain point before any points are awarded, i think 5 seconds is ample. if you have lag or are late from a slow loading, bad luck, you didnt fight you dont get any points
Upon death to resurection you will receive all points as normal, even Bots and AFKers deserve something for dying.
Upon resurection you are given 5 seconds to move to a portal or past a certain point to start receiving points again.

I think that is fair, simple and easy to implement without too much hasle from A-Net

Bots will not gain anything unless they program there character to go to these points and then they are open to be killed like every one else and would become easily recognisable as a BOT.
If you go AFK for a couple of minutes you gain nothing until you return unless you go AFK while playing and then you are opened to be killed like every one else.

to me it seems simple enough and would soon put and end to these habitual game wreakers.
It would lessn the need of having genuine AFKers reported and cut down on people having to report them or people unfairly being banned and A-Net would spend a lot less time replying to the people who reported them in the first place.
perhaps if evey one just keeps reporting the obvious BOTs A-Net may get the idea that its more time efficient to fix it rather than let it keep going ...........Oh....A-Net...yeah, scrub that...its easier for them to let the cheaters and BOTs and Leecher go there merry way
well thats my 2 cents worth anyways


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Zombies of War





Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lowlands Strike Force


Just because we cannot see Anet doing something about it does not mean they aren't

The wintersday update was proof of this because they added several things that we al asked about before.

You have to view both sides of the argument here. Anet would really want to solve the problem. They just cannot risk to bring in a solution that will only cause more problems in the end. Sometimes this requires great ingenuity.

Nice example of that is the new event hat storage solution. The gave us an option to free the storage slots without physiacally having to add extra storage.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Leechers have been in FA since it opened. They are still here.

AFKers? Well, games have policies against unattended play. AFKers in all subscription based games get banned regularly, usually permanently, losing hundreds and thousands of hours in grind.

A match in FA leaves no time for afkers. It doesn't. Match takes 10 minutes. If you can't stay till the end, quit.

I'd simply create a no-afk policy for all pvp areas. Be afk, and the ban procedures are set into place (3 warnings, then permaban or how does it work?).

This isn't some random idling in an outpost. It's a 10 minute match of non-stop action. You cannot pause for a few minutes since that's half of the match.

And yea, so you need to go away. You'll join the next match. Most important about such action would be, that it would show, that if you do afk in combat area, you'll be in trouble. Right now, there's nothing to fear in GW. Prophanities, account selling, leeching, griefing, scamming, afking. Go ahead. You have 1 in 100 chance of something being taken against you.




Join Date: May 2005


As this isn't a question and is basically a whine thread.. and because it's an old thread..

Thread closed.