Make this material do something!
well alot of people do UW and FOW aint it about time some of the drops for example the obisidan behemoth jaws, it takes ages to kill them because of a big group together healing each other, and they drop something thats not relivent. u may as well make them drop a can of coca cola for all the use the jaws are, i think a npc should be added to UW with some sort of collectable for this material, or even make the behemoths drop a shard or something after all you did name them obisidan.
Knightsaber Sith
I believe you can salvage shards from obsidian behemoth jaws, but it's a rare salvage
not what ive heard, i wiki'd them before i sold them
Or... you could have salvaged them for chittin fragments and made more money then just selling them.
yeah but the effort for killing them need to be more than 4 chiting fragments
Minus Sign
With hope there will be a trader for them in Nightfall.
tbh im not holding my hopes up