quistion: if i farm (for example) the UW whit diferent chars, does that count as diferent""place"" and will it reset the code or will the drops will be exactly the same if i farmed whit charachter A 20 times in place of char A 10 times and char B 10 times.
if it workst i feel some ppl are ging to load acounts whit just 5 charachters that are exactly the same to farm like madd and get $$$ fast
quistion about anti-farm code
meat shield
I think the code applies to the account as a whole. Honestly I have yet to feel the sting of the anti-farming code and I think that it incorporates more than just location factors. I think there are some time factors at work in there too, like if you go to this location more than x times in y amount of time then the nerf activates. I farm all over the place but I usually only do one run at a time in areas guaranteed to pay off in some way. For example; Tombs, not the best source of revenue but ecto drops and the few Tombs green that sell for more than 5K make it worthwhile. You are guaranteed to get at least a useful gold if not a green everytime you run. At the very least you can cover the cost of your keys. Likewise I farm the Deep for the same reason. I'm pretty much assured of a drop I can use or sell so only one run is necessary. Then I let it rest for the day and do actual mission stuff or quests or help people. Totem farming is the same way. I have yet to go out for a Totem axe and fail to get one. Pick your farming areas with care. The less repetition you have to do to get a pay off the better off you will be I think. I can't prove that mind you it's all anectdotal since I can't decompile the code and look for the anti farming code to figure out how it works but my experinces lead me to believe that it works as I have described.