Originally Posted by lightblade
I still doubt it will happen. That'll defeat the whole point of "core" profession.
lol still nice to see people doubting confirmed quoted statements...
and the POINT of the core professions is that they are included as default in any chapter whether you have the previous chapters or not...
you will not be able to have a rit or sin in nightfall unless you have factions because they are not "Core" professions...
ive have been trying to explain this to everyone when the whole rumor without confirmation arised and people started flaming anet because rits and sins wouldnt be supported in nightfall...
ALL chapters will include the 6 "core" classes and whatever new classes are introduced with the corosponding chapter(s) they have... the only debate was whether or not they would continue to add new contend for those that have chapter specific professions...
and by all means its completely logical that they do continue to add content for them considering they are a profession choice for those that have purchased the chapters they pertain to and upgrade with newer chapters...
and it give cross promotion for people to be swayed into purchaseing previous chapters with chapter speicific professions so they have access to them and the skills/items associated with them...
best way to visualize this would be what if nightfall didnt have new stuff for rits and sins... there wouldnt be to many people playing them... therefore no temptation to new players who only purchased nightfall to even consider purchasing factions since all canthan items can be farmed and taken to and sold in any area and all skills can be unlocked via the online store for pvp(meaning chapter specific skills, like how u still need to go to tyria to get some of the nice warrior elites and those who only have factions cant get them without having profacies)
anet isnt stupid...