cant cap Quivering Blade :(

Xunlai Master

Xunlai Master

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Serenity Temple


i killed boss with quivering blade but didnt have cap sig.

but now i cant seem to get the boss to spawn again..

is this some kind of bug? u only get 1 chance to cap this elite?

El Panty Bandito

El Panty Bandito

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006




No, some bosses just spawn in different locations. If he didn't spawn, restart.


If he also didnt spawn, check your quests. Quests sometimes affect whether a boss will spawn.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Do you enter from the marketplace or the portal behind him? Seems like some factions leaders won't appear unless you use a specific portal to enter the area.


Most factions bosses don't, that goes for Sun as well.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


He will only appear if the amfah are hostile towards you. If you have the quest for Seek out Brother Tosai you have to finish it to make them hostile again, either that or once you find take the quest "Refuse to Drink" and they will become hostile. There are a few notes about it on the skill page on wiki.

Xunlai Master

Xunlai Master

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Serenity Temple


i read wiki,
"Note: if you're friendly with the Am Fah (by doing the Bujo quests in Kaineng), Sun is not hostile towards you. You must complete all of Bujo's quests to then get A Monstrous Revelation from Imperial Agent Hanjo in Kaineng Center. While doing this quest, Sun will spawn. Everyone in your party must have completed all of Bujo's quests for him to spawn during A Monstrous Revelation. If finished all of these quests be sure to complete Brother Torsai's quests as well so that the Am Fah are not friendly with you. "

i've done all Bujo's quests and also done A Monstrous Revelation from Imperial Agent Hanjo in Kaineng Center. got friend to get A Monstrous Revelation quest n took Refuse to Drink quest to make them hostile but still no boss.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I guess you have to part with one that 'drank' then, if you can't find anyone I'll help you just PM me.

Xunlai Master

Xunlai Master

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Serenity Temple


got it now.. had to do the Refuse to Drink quest first..