Looking for tips to get money

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


I know this has been done a few times, but i was wondering that if we could get lots of money from farming in the really early places where the monsters have low levels. Usually in a game poeple go to the earliest level and easily kill the enemies so they gain lots of gold easily.

Anyways, i just really want to make a million gold in the shortest time possible 100k/1hr.? I am a W/R if that settles anything....



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Ascalon City, Tyria

Free Agent


People usually dont share info about where and how they make gold. The lower the level the lower gold,xp and items you will get from monsters etc..


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

If you want to make tons of gold, don't bother with the low levels. Yeah, you'll get all kinds of easy drops, but they won't be worth the time it takes to keep emptying out your inventory. And if you salvage items, you'll be lucky to get even 2 common material items out of it, which isn't worth the cost of the salvage kit.

Consider this: If you went soloing in Old Ascalon and got 8 (white) drops, the average value of them is around 7g = 56g, with no chance of getting a gold weapon. If you group up with 8 people and go fighting outside of Marhan's Grotto, say, 95% of every drop you get there will be worth quiet a bit more than that - especially if you ID everything.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Lol what lvl are you?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


100k/1hr at low levels.... somehow I doubt that, LOL!

Are you sure you're not a wammo?

The lowest level mobs I can think of that will make you some money is:

Prophecies - Nebo terrace,

Ettins and Undead - I got a SUPERIOR Vigor there today from an undead and all I was doing was trying to get 3 Decayed orr emblems that my low level Elementalist needed for a collectors item - I promptly sold it to the rune trader for 35k or something (I'm to lazy to sell stuff to people).


Factions - Xaquang Skyway


Vermin, they drop trash but a lot of it.

Of course you can farm charr if you want to, it won't make you much money though.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

Forget farming.. Buy and sell..

Get a runner cheap to temple of ages. See what the going rate of ectoplasm and obsidian shards are going for. Wait till someone pops up witha bargain. Buy as much of it as you can afford. Even one to start with. Then wait till someone else pops in offering good money for them and onsell for a profit. Easy money.

Do the same thing for any cheap Green Weopon you see for sale. I bought a kanaxi axe for 35k and sold it 2 minutes later for 75k. Easy money.

But remember that this is not a fun way to play or very enjoyable. But since you are wanting to make 100k/hour I get the impression that you are not interested in just playing the game for enjoyment but want to make money.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


^ the problem is that being a 'trader' requires you to already have some money already.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Nanood
Forget farming.. Buy and sell..

Get a runner cheap to temple of ages. See what the going rate of ectoplasm and obsidian shards are going for. Wait till someone pops up witha bargain. Buy as much of it as you can afford. Even one to start with. Then wait till someone else pops in offering good money for them and onsell for a profit. Easy money.

Do the same thing for any cheap Green Weopon you see for sale. I bought a kanaxi axe for 35k and sold it 2 minutes later for 75k. Easy money.

But remember that this is not a fun way to play or very enjoyable. But since you are wanting to make 100k/hour I get the impression that you are not interested in just playing the game for enjoyment but want to make money.
LOL...no, to manipulate the ecto market you need to invest a large amount of money into it, buying one for 6k and selling for 7k is utterly pointless.

To make a vast amount of money you need to purchase a large amount for a low amount such as 6k then play the waiting game until they hit 8-9k then sell.

To make a quick million you need to either get a lucky with a few decent gold drops or play HoH and get a lucky drop there.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I've heard of people making 100k/hour by standing in ascalon spamming, "I know the secret to make 100k/hour I will tell you this secret for 1k pm me." Then they tell the suckers to do what they are doing.

NOTE: I do not condone this type of behavior.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Well....im a level 20...i have SOME money... not a lot nowadays about 97k....its not much but its some i got from spamming around town :-(. im looking for a quick way to make money so i can buy some nightfall stuff when it comes out... i.e. armor, new skin weapons...etc.

But anyways about the comment about buying high/selling low.... its really not that easy for me....mostly. doing that always takes time, lots of patience, and a willingness to take a huge chance (unless of course its lower then the actual rate.

The reason i want to farm is due to the fact that I want to have more of a garuntee and im willing to settle for 50k/hour .... i can spam, but to an extent of 30 minutes, then its pretty much pointless. (unless its over 50k)

Mostly, ive been trading stuff for other stuff its taken one month to do it, and thats how i made my 97k.

I can't even get to HoH because I can never win HA. Ive been trying my luck with farming factions and so far its been ok.... the double factions has actually been a godsend, despite the lowering the price of stuff like jade its been increaing because of the major increase in factions about 2500 if i win!

But i can only make like 5k/hour which is really poor

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I've heard of people making 100k/hour by standing in ascalon spamming, "I know the secret to make 100k/hour I will tell you this secret for 1k pm me." Then they tell the suckers to do what they are doing.

NOTE: I do not condone this type of behavior.
lol thats not going to work....plus theres a chance of getting banned

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

You are living in a dream world..the days when you could make 50/100k per hour are GONE. I made a list in another thread about viable ways of making gold..look for it.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Then the bots will all move to that easy place for 100k an hour.Farming around Yaks isn't bad if you can solo Borliss Pass.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


yea.. an over abundance of moneyby farming is terrible... i really hate ppl with over 1 mill.

Anyways, i want to make at least to 500k, i don't really get to play all that much though...maybe 4 hours a week?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


sounds like your best bet is ebay or luck then...
and luck wont get you banned if you get caught.
kill stuff, pick up loot

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


ebay lol...not going that way...although id pay fo rthe guys to be "persuasive" if you catch my drift...paying him so you can trade him a item worth nothing for 1 mil lol

lol nvm...ill just use mahojos nebo terrace thing....

Xaero Gouki Kriegor

Xaero Gouki Kriegor

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Leather Rebels, (LR)


Originally Posted by Dante the Warlord
I know this has been done a few times, but i was wondering that if we could get lots of money from farming in the really early places where the monsters have low levels. Usually in a game poeple go to the earliest level and easily kill the enemies so they gain lots of gold easily.

Anyways, i just really want to make a million gold in the shortest time possible 100k/1hr.? I am a W/R if that settles anything....
back in the olden days, this was possible, hint, thirsty river solo, chumps use to pay 5k each for a thirsty river solo because most of the time people got so fed up with the mission they rather pay the 5k and get done with it then go through it 20 times, doing this you can make 25k per run, and each run was about 20 minutes, so. . . 60 minutes divided by 20 is 3, 3 x 25k = 75k, only 25k short at hour of being a millionaire,

now, ive heard it use to be 10k a head, this would ment 50k per person every 20 minutes, 50k x 3 = 150k per hour, but this was back before they knew what iway was when they paid 10k a head, but now that this place is dead, your lucky to charge anyone 1k for them to be ran through the mission



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
LOL...no, to manipulate the ecto market you need to invest a large amount of money into it, buying one for 6k and selling for 7k is utterly pointless.

To make a vast amount of money you need to purchase a large amount for a low amount such as 6k then play the waiting game until they hit 8-9k then sell.

To make a quick million you need to either get a lucky with a few decent gold drops or play HoH and get a lucky drop there.
I'm not referring to manipulating any market for anything. It's just buying a little bit cheaper and selling for a profit. And the posts stating that this takes time are spot on. Making a pile of money takes time unless you are an ebayer and most people reading and replying here probably did it the long way. I know i did. Just play the game and ID all the whites that you get and DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY BUYING SOMETHING YOU DON'T REALLY NEED and you will be surprised how fast your bank balance goes up.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


well...i guess... buts its going to be awfully hard to resist buying stuff :-(....basically every time i get in the 100k region i think im rich...then i spend like crazy. i spent a massive 30k now and now im paying for it...(well not really lol)

anyways, i thinkill farm factions until the event stops, then ill see...most likely ill try to solo.... buying low/selling high may not be my best bet....but trading good weapons for near perfect weapons plus money always helps =). made 50k that way.

monkey of pain

monkey of pain

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006


Sorry about the noob question but everyone refers to farming to make money.
What exactly do they mean.

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


meaning that they constantly re fight monsters and keep fighting to earn lots of money or items