What Happened to Godz?



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


So heres my question what happened to Godz it seems like they just dropped off the face of the planet or dissapeared the other day when they lost control of Cavalon. The fate of Godz was similar to the fate of Clan Dethryche. But heres my question why isn't the guild that owns cavalon just "downgraded" if you will. When a new guild takes over Cavalon why isn't the previous owner demoted to someplace like Zos Shivros channel, Bai Pasu reach or one of those places. Is there somthing Im missing if so plz fill me in. Thanks



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Mutiny. Always is.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Felt so good to drop that bombshell on the arrogant Godz leader (who was forced to step down after the "mutiny").

Town ownership is based on the collective faction of all the guilds in the Alliance. Once a guild goes their factions count goes with it. In the case of Godz, multiple guilds, if not all, split to form a new alliance, and severely dented Godz's chances of owning Cavalon any further.

Simple maths really.

Say a 3 guild alliance is made of:
Guild 1: 10000 faction
Guild 2: 5000 faction
Guild 3: 8000 faction

If Guild 2 were to leave they would take that 5000 faction they currently have and the Guild 1 Alliance would lose that from the Alliance total

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

The leader was a bragging idiot anyway so im not surprised

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The leader had started a thread here in the Q&A section a few days ago. He was on a trip and been away from the game for 2 days and he asked how much faction he was controlling Cavalon with. Boy was he pissed when we told him he wasn't controlling it at all

They were "downgraded" to control of a lesser outpost but it seems that the other guilds had quit the alliance in his absence and by the time he got back they just disbanded all together.

Thorondor Port

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

British Columbia


I have been in godz,dth and tlh (which own cavalon now)

They just decide as a guild they dont want to FF.
If u arnt experience with a FF guild, its basically grind your face off and its SUPER boring. guilds in the cavalon/hzh alliance usually have to donate 5k faction a day minimum, or they kicked.

when i used to be in this alliance guilds would join for a while and take off, change to pve or a gvg guild or something. Happend weekly usually.