Something to do with ecto.
Well now that Factions has hit and everyone is getting all the shiby new armor there isn't much of a use for ecto anymore. While this is probably too late to be integrated into Nightfall for release I think it would be cool to give us an alternate use for ecto. My idea is basically this, since the UW is apparently a part of the game regardless of what setting you are playing in then I propose that an NPC be put at some point in the game that crafts weapons with the ecto. The price should be high. The skin should be obscenely cool and the mods should be among the most desireable in the game. Now while this might sound like a bad idea for the economy, when you no longer have to find weapons with a cool skin and great mods how do you keep the market from flooding? Simple. Any weapon you craft at this NPC comes out customized for your character. That way it is useless as a trade item. Not only will this make all those ectos I've been accumulating from my bored forays into the underworld useful, honestly why should I bother to get 15K prophecies armor when I can use my faction points, which have no intrinsic trade value, to get 15K factions armor, but it will provide another money sink and it will put a nicely modded and skinned weapon in the game that can't be sold for obscene amounts of gold. thoughts? Tweaks? Suggestions?
Don't green weapons already have some pretty cool skins? Sure that would be nice to have some matching weapons for your FoW armor, but I don't see why anybody would buy them. Most crafter weapons already come 15>50. O_O
Doesn't FoW armour have EXACLTY the same stats, but just looks better, yet ppl still buy that! Obsidion bows and swords etc, would be cool.
/Notsigned Rare skin Items will loose its edge.