Ice Caves of Sorrow

A. Noid

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Hey gang,
I am relatively new to the game. Been playing off and on for awhile, and have my Ranger lvl 20 and ascended. Got to the ICoS and see everyone spamming for 'infused'. Now- I looked up infusedand see it comes after this place(I think). I am not infused. Seems either I missed the 'timeline' to get infused, or people have gotten past this mish and gotten infused only to later return.

Question is:
Should I be infused at this point? Or have I followed the story and just have a harder road ahead? Those Mursat boys sure hit hard

Thanks in advance,



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

No, you don't need to be infused for Ice Caves unless you want to attempt the bonus. Otherwise, don't worry about it and don't try to attack the Jade or Mursaat in that level.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


You get infused in the next mission. Just don't poke the mursaat.

A. Noid

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Wow- fast reply!!
Thanks guys!


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


the only potential issue is right at the end of the map. Whether you do the bonus or not, sometimes 1 or 2 Mursaat make it past the siege boats and wait for you. If you hit them hard and fast they usually die pretty quick, but they can take a party member or 2 with them.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

A lot of the more seasoned players get infused before doing Ice Caves so this doesn't really cause much of a problem.