(not) getting xp from killing enemies??



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


The last few days i am a bit tired of doing the same things over and over again (quests, fow, uw, etc), so i decided to something else: solo titan (path)trapping with my ranger, just outside of Lion's Arch (Defend Kryta quest)...

Things are going well. I am learning from my mistakes, know the paths better, etc. The gameplay is slowpaced and the drops are not very spectaculair but it is challenging and fun to do (for awhile).

But i noticed something that i never noticed before: i am not always getting the xp for killing an enemy (titans). And i think that is weird as i am playing solo, so all kills are done by me (trapping).

Maybe it is a Tyria/Cantha skills bug, so i list my build here:

Beast mastery: 9 (for snipers nest)
Wilderness Survival: 16
Expertise: 11

Dust Trap
Fire Trap
Barbed trap
Sniper's Nest
Spiked Trap {E}
Troll Urgent
EW (spirit)
QZ (spirit)

Sniper's Nest and Barbed Trap play an important role here as those traps keep doing damage for some time due the bleeding and the poison (Titans dont seem to heal themselves). But sometimes i dont get the xp for killing a titan and i am wondering why that happens... maybe it has something to do with using sniper's nest (a Cantha trap) using in Tyria. But maybe it is something else...

Anyone has ideas about this "problem"??



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Are you walking too far away from where you laid the traps? If you aren't in the bubble or too far away from them you won't get xp.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


I am pretty sure that isnt the case. Titans are elems so they attack from a range and they interupt a lot, so i cant get too close (especially with bigger groups). But i always try to stay as close as possible...

But i usually put traps on more than 1 spot (best effect and fastest)... when the 1st traps do their work, i make sure that i am in their aggro zone to lure them over my other traps.

PS: not sure what you mean with "in the bubble"... aggrozone, radar, ... ?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Well if they aren't in range to fire at you when they die you might not get the xp.
When I farm things with my husband I have to have the enemies in the little hazy bubble that surrounds my green dot on my compass. If they aren't in that bubble I gain no XP even if they are right on the edge of it.

Bad Apache

Bad Apache

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Try standing in the area of your traps. You will be in range of the aggro bubble when they die and you should get XP.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Now that i think of it, titans seem be a be a bit buggy. They often move in groups of 3 or 4 and there is often 1 with a "warping" effect.

Example: a group of 3 moves from point X to point Y, wait some time and then go back to point X...

As soon i see they move back to point X, i setup EW, goto point Y, setup QZ and set some traps, move back a bit and set some more traps.

While doing this i often see 1 titan all of sudden standing next to me. He isnt really next to me (he is still with the other 2 titans), but this seems to happen when they start to move from point X to point Y again... so i see 2 titans walking towards to me and 1 titan standing next to me, but there are actually 3 titans moving to point Y again.

I think this warping effect may have something to do with this. When i kill a titan i may see him close to me, but maybe he is actually somewhere else (further away).