What turns parents off..


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Its says 12+ on my Factions box. Ok The female rit is bareng some skin. But its nothing more than you would see in any 12 rated movie or a teens tv show.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


I honestly think it has less to do with fundamentalist conservative values so much as laziness. It sucks for the OP that his parents found the box art offensive but I do applaud them for actually stepping up and being parents.

I remember the anti naked dancing petition and I thought it was the most apallingly lazy thing I had ever seen. Unfortunately this sort of thing happens an awful lot in the gaming industry. Some parents seem to want corporations to do their job for them. It is the job of parents to protect their children from questionable or offensive materials just like the OP's parents did. I believe Anet has done everything they can to make the subject matter of this game as appropriate as they possibly could for the audience it was aimed at. It's not for children. It says so right on the box for crying out loud.

To the OP I say this; while it may suck that you are out in the cold for Guild Wars, you should thank your lucky stars that your parents are actually taking the time to do their job in a day and age when many parents expect the media and business to raise and morally educate their children.

/end soapbox session

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

A parents job is to prepare the child for adulthood, wrapping a child up in cotton wool does not benefit them in any way. Children that are wrapped up normally end up as social rejects because they have had no real interaction with the real world.

There is a fine line between being a good parent and being a smothering parent.



Join Date: Dec 2005



i was playing 18 games whe ni was like 9 -11


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006




the only naked things ingame are (P)imps!



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Originally Posted by TheMadKingGeorge
i was playing 18 games whe ni was like 9 -11

Me too...but it made me more mature than the idiots in school laughing and pulling each others shoe laces...

as for the OP, at least you don't get your sales people reading the whole dam CE box's descriptions on the back ALOUD when you get it.

Then the guy asked me what is it with the dances, when I clearly was buying it for the artbook and soundtrack.

Mr D J

Mr D J

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Join Date: Jun 2005

Wow... I just go to the store and buy my own games if I want to. How old are you so that your parents actually do that to you? I'd be really freaking out if my parents ever did that to me...


Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
A parents job is to prepare the child for adulthood, wrapping a child up in cotton wool does not benefit them in any way. Children that are wrapped up normally end up as social rejects because they have had no real interaction with the real world.

There is a fine line between being a good parent and being a smothering parent.
QFT, you're right. As always .

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Eldin
Get a box without a woman on it and you will get the game - but look out for Pre-Searing Ascalon City. Lots of immature nude dancers there...

Oh, and here is a gallery of box art images, by the way. You must have shown your parents the wrong game or the box with the semi-naked Cynn on it (which, by the way, is the oldest box of all - it's unlikely you'd find it!).
That box was probably not sold anymore BECAUSE of that picture lol

Anyway, it was probably the Eve box..As you can see the side of her breast because her bra peice doesn't fit


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Warriors of Narsil


it's not my fault my parents are like that.
"does your parents wrap you up in cotton so you don't get hurt"

what the hell? why was that necessary? Your the one who is acting immature.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Well whether it's good parenting or bad parenting is immaterial to the point I was making which is that at least they did some parenting as opposed to the parents that basically say." Hey! ( insert game company here) why don't you stop it with ( insert whatever they find objectionable here) because our children shouldn't be exposed to it and we are too lazy to read a box or do a little research and say 'no you can't play that', you know take an interest in what our kids are doing. If you could just do the job for us by raping your product of all playability we would really appreciate it."

Remember the Hot Coffee controversy? Old lady makes a big stink because she bought her teenage grandson a game that says Mature right on the box and then expected it to be funtime at Disneyland. The worst thing is some of these people would rather die than allow their kids to see an R rated movie but they can't pay attention to the equally simple rating system the ESRB has established explicitly to help parents.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Aman
it's not my fault my parents are like that.
"does your parents wrap you up in cotton so you don't get hurt"

what the hell? why was that necessary? Your the one who is acting immature.
Its nothing personal against you. I was just stating that over protectiveness benefits no one.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



You can see more of the woman in the green outfits (mermer?) breasts than of Eve's If there was one that I could see people geting offended over it would be the one with the woman all in white and with just a very thin strap accross her rather large breasts. See pic below.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Manchester UK


Originally Posted by Spike
Best Box Art!

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

See more breast watching the Fashion channel and thats on morning, day and night.

ok so i watch it once in a while..need new ideas for expanding my room sized wardrobe

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

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Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
LOL wow, do your parents also wrap you up in cotton wool so you cant hurt yourself?

Religious ppl I bet
I was so tempted to go into an essay on my views but I chose not to as I dont know how gwg feel about people debating religious matters. Would be nice if current affairs debates etc would be allowed here as far as I know you cant mantion politics much =(



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Aman
it's not my fault my parents are like that.
"does your parents wrap you up in cotton so you don't get hurt"

what the hell? why was that necessary? Your the one who is acting immature.
Sorry, but I don't believe that you're over 13 which is the age limit to post on these fora (I think)! Nevertheless, you're one seriously disturbed individual if you think Guild Wars art is nudity!

Perhaps you could politely ask your parents to remove the horse crap from their wheels! You know what I mean?

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
I was so tempted to go into an essay on my views but I chose not to as I dont know how gwg feel about people debating religious matters. Would be nice if current affairs debates etc would be allowed here as far as I know you cant mention politics much =(
Religion and politics are a nono because of the political shit going on these days.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
I was so tempted to go into an essay on my views but I chose not to as I dont know how gwg feel about people debating religious matters. Would be nice if current affairs debates etc would be allowed here as far as I know you cant mantion politics much =(
No intent to be a smart arse here, but typically, 90% of everyone I know that is anal about things as insignificant as video game art, typically are religious. The other 10%, just over controlling/raised in the country where stuff like that wasn't common.

Ugh, in the early 1900's women were arrested on indecent exposure charges for wearing MORE than what you see women today wearing.

On top of that, I've seen worse on the cover to "17" or what ever that magazine is called. Heck, 12 year olds read it. Guess you better start reinforcing that the media is in charge at an early age.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Replying to the original post, GW has already sold a LOT. Both games and it will be the same with Nightfall.

If everything was blatantly conservative in terms of female character appearances and such, then maybe the sales would actually be down. I don't want Arenanet to be like the Church of Opus Dei.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


(I was going to write more but not going to talk about a closed thread)
Log out is a nice feature for those who cannot explain the goings on of in game play.

OP - I am a parent, not a very prudish one. If my children wanted to play I would allow them. My wife had issues at times when I was playing the game. I simply stop, and explain what was going on, or dicuss the issue and all is fine. Maybe instead of just showing the box to your parents, you could explain all the pros and cons of the game to your parents. You'll see people dressed in underwear as there are making better armor for themself, some of which will be dancing because they are happy that they finally got max armor (of course other reasons also). That you will meet and befriend numerous people from across the globe. So on and so on.....make a list sit down with them, show them Guildwars.com web site. Let them make a decision based on knowledge instead of the cover of one box. If you really want to play the game, do it with the knowledge that you haven't betrayed your parents trust.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Warriors of Narsil


This is the simply the worst site i'v come across.
Do you gyus try to help people or try to put them down?

No offense to people who understood my post and acutally gave suggests on what to do instead of saying " do they put you in cotton? " " are you 13 years old?" " you have problems"



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


Nudity?! I don't see any...but if nudity means half naked. Then I see those a lot of boxes. GW's boxes does have a lot of girls with big breasts in bikinis.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Just stop coming to this thread and in time, it shall die.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Aman I'm not trying to put you or your parents down but if you go to your local store and visit the underware section its much worse than this game. The only true nakie person that was found in game was left in by the devs as a spot holder and he was out in an explorable area and has been removed. (no actual body "parts" were on him).

I have a 6yr old and he doesn't think anyone is nakied just in their undies and heck my kids are in their undies more often than anyone else I know -_- He thinks its silly but thats about as far as it goes.
This game is mild compared to a lot of others out there and you will find that the language of the people playing the game to be far worse than any of the art within it. If your parents were that shocked by the box then they likely aren't going to approve of it once you get it and they see the half nakie eles dancing or the rangers in their 15k leaf armor.

Angel Develin

Angel Develin

Wilds Pathfinder

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Lions Arch

Minions of Kronos


pixel--pixel---colored pixel----colored pixel----dot---dot---dot
jeee i see more naked on tv.....internet....street.....posters......girl next door


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Religion and politics are a nono because of the political shit going on these days.
Though one could also argue that the current situation these days are at a direct effect because people were unwilling to debate and instead clung to their own views as set in stone.


Back on topic.

Alright, some parents are just over-cautious, old-fashioned, or what not. When I was growing up, I know my mom never let me get anything that was above my rating (although my dad was different ). And, in retrospect, I can agree that such ratings are put in place for a reason.

Though, at the same time, a parent can't expect to shield their child forever. Catcher in the Rye, anyone? If anything, it should be a gradual exposure as well as a good reinforcement from the parents (i.e. sit down and talk to the child.)

Unless the child is brainwashed (and yes, I'll call it brainwashed, you can call it disciplined if you want) enough to avoid any and all sources of "maturity" at school, he/she will quickly become exposed to it. Then you have outside of school, college, etc. No one can protect innocence forever. Guide the child into the real world, don't try to protect him until your efforts shatter.

Though again, at the end of the day, we have to realize, the final choice lies with Aman's parents, regardless of what we feel.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


your parents may have just used "nudity" as a reason not to buy you the game for various others reasons they do not wish to explain to you.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
A parents job is to prepare the child for adulthood, wrapping a child up in cotton wool does not benefit them in any way. Children that are wrapped up normally end up as social rejects because they have had no real interaction with the real world.

There is a fine line between being a good parent and being a smothering parent.
Are you kidding me, I was exposed to the real world when I was 7 and "fully embraced" it when I was 14, and I still had absolutely no problems with my parents because I'd simply hide the rated r side of me away from them. As long as a child goes to school, he/she is always going to be exposed no matter what by other children.


Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Horseman Of War
1. considering the 'average' GW player is a 20-30 year old male id say that their marketing is right on.
What, have you taken a poll or something? If I was to guess on the "average age of GW players", taking into consideration how most behave, I would guess 10-12.

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Mostly Arabs, over zealous Christians, morons aka *mormons*
I'm surprised the admins let you insult another religion. Unless you were raised as a mormon, you are talking out of your ass. Given your "special" title, I'm guessing that you are an admin here. More the reason for you to watch what you say about things you know nothing about.

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
Religion and politics are a nono because of the political shit going on these days.
But it's ok for you to slam other religions?

Originally Posted by Eldin
Get a box without a woman on it and you will get the game - but look out for Pre-Searing Ascalon City. Lots of immature nude dancers there...
Actually, if you are talking about the original GW box, all he had to do was turn it over and there was a picture of a warrior on the other side. Guess you guys were too busy drooling over the female picture to notice.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
To the OP I say this; while it may suck that you are out in the cold for Guild Wars, you should thank your lucky stars that your parents are actually taking the time to do their job in a day and age when many parents expect the media and business to raise and morally educate their children.

/end soapbox session
I agree with what you said for the most part, however I think most parents expect the media business to rate things so that they, the parents can make an informed opinion. How else can they decide what's appropriate for their children to play, short of buying it and playing it themselves. And, truth to tell, if parents actually did play it and see the behavior going on in pre-sear, no kids would be allowed to play it. Of course, that would end most of the misbehavior in the game. But that's a whole other story.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Troy, MI

World Of Darkness

Originally Posted by Stockholm
You forgot the american republicans (read: Bush brothers when they tried to shut down all strip joints)
LMAO... they'll never shut down the Internet!!! The Internet is for Porn (warning: adult supervision recommended.... don't turn up too loud if kids are around):


Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


argh matey

I'd say this thread has gone far past any actual significance to pointless banter



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Troy, MI

World Of Darkness

Sorry, my bad.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by Set
LMAO... they'll never shut down the Internet!!! The Internet is for Porn (warning: adult supervision recommended.... don't turn up too loud if kids are around):

Good one , but watch your back , you know who is watching you(reads: Bush brothers)

Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Does-it-Matter
Though one could also argue that the current situation these days are at a direct effect because people were unwilling to debate and instead clung to their own views as set in stone.


Back on topic.

Alright, some parents are just over-cautious, old-fashioned, or what not. When I was growing up, I know my mom never let me get anything that was above my rating (although my dad was different ). And, in retrospect, I can agree that such ratings are put in place for a reason.

Though, at the same time, a parent can't expect to shield their child forever. Catcher in the Rye, anyone? If anything, it should be a gradual exposure as well as a good reinforcement from the parents (i.e. sit down and talk to the child.)

Unless the child is brainwashed (and yes, I'll call it brainwashed, you can call it disciplined if you want) enough to avoid any and all sources of "maturity" at school, he/she will quickly become exposed to it. Then you have outside of school, college, etc. No one can protect innocence forever. Guide the child into the real world, don't try to protect him until your efforts shatter.

Though again, at the end of the day, we have to realize, the final choice lies with Aman's parents, regardless of what we feel.
Wow very good advice .....^^^agreed.