Dye Down the Toilet


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Order of the Soulflame


I've given up experimenting. I just can't get my chaos axe to match my cape, which is part of the reason I wanted that skin in the first place. I've tried numerous different combinations, spent over 15K on it in total. Now I want outside advice... how do I get this thing to match my cape? What formula should I use?

The color I want is the one of the emblem, the firey hand. The fact that the effect of dyes is reversed on chaos axes makes this more than a little challenging.



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005



Looks to me like yellow+orange or yellow+yellow+orange would match the blue/green of your cape.

There's a link to the functional color wheel of chaos dying.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Order of the Soulflame


Oh, I think I tried that, but those dyes are cheap so I may as well do it again. Looking at that wheel again, I realize just how tiny that portion of it I want is. Everything I've tried so far has been a bit too far clockwise on that wheel, appearing too green to match the cape. I'm going to play with red, yellow, and orange, that appears to be what I need, I just have to get it just right.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Order of the Soulflame


Got it! Or as close as possible! The secret is that, on the color wheel, when you dye the axe, the result, while being directly opposite, doesn't look it because of how bright the axe is. It appears to be a bit further 'clockwise' on the wheel. So here's what I did...

green + yellow + yellow

Will post screens tommorow when I'm not so tired


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


I spent ages matching my warrior's armour to the guild cape, then the elader changed it :S

Glad to hear you got it done mate.