armor help


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Crusading Titans


i got my first character to 20 a few days ago and am now on the mission, in factions, to kill the 4 celestial avatars. Anyways, i heard of 1.5k and 15k armor, and for some reason i thought it meant 1.5k armor (as in +armor), but then i found out 1.5k meant the price of it. >< I should have enough for a few pieces of the 1.5k armor, if not all of it, but my question is, where do i get the armor? do i still get it in droks or somewhere in Cantha?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Tyria: Droknars Forge
Cantha: Kaineng Center

Theres no difference in stats between 1.5k and 15k .. just the looks.




Join Date: Jul 2005



Join Date: Jul 2005


1.5k armors can be bought in Drok's in Tyria, and in Kaineng Center in Cantha. There's some other armor crafters out there (Voldo the Exotic and some other Canthan woman I can't recall at the moment) in Kaineng City that you have to fight to, but they just offer different styles of armor. They're still the same stats, though.

15k armor just looks pretty. How pretty depends on your own opinion, though. The costs can run upwards of 100k on certain sets, since you're already set at 60k (75k if you want to get a helm with it, too), plus material costs. On average, it'll usually cost around 80-90k, but some professions are shafted when it comes down to it (like 15k kurzick monk, which requires a lot of Damask).