Good fire dmg wep for my new ele



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



I have just created a new Elemental and I want her to have a very good if not the best fire dmg rod and off hand.

I have chars that can farm or even buy them that are deeper into the game, what do you recommend?


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'd have to recommend these:

Wayward Wand (unique item)

The Kindlerock - Offhand
Lian's Lantern - Offhand



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Thanks! Anyone have any other rods, or wands?


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Here's the GuildWiki list of Green weapons for Elementalists:
Click me!

Here's the GWG Auction page for Fire based wands:
Click me!

Here's the GWG Auction page for Fire based focus items/off-hands:
Click me!

You'd have to start a WTB thread here if you want to buy something. Other than that I can only recommend searching the above Auction links or buy in-game.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

If you're in prophecies, the green stuff for ele's are Rago's Flame Staff (Staff), Rago's Flame Wand (Wand), and The Kindlerock (Offhand). All those are dropped from Rago Kindlerock. He's in Sorrows Furnace. Dont' know any factions ones though.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



I have both Factions and Prophecies. I think I'm going to buy Rago's Flame Wand and The Kindlerock.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Cold Hard [CASH]

Personaly I prefer a 20 Recharge / 20 Casting wand and a 20 Recharge /20 Casting offhand for my nuker under most circumstances. When i need more health and energy I will use the 20% Recharge / +5e^50 wand with a 20% Recharge(or 20% Casting depending on my mood) / +30 health ofhand.

I do not recomend the Kindlerock, +1(20%) is prety much useless compared to other choices you can make.

If money is an issue then all but the last on this list can be found as blues or greens:
20 / 20 wand: Craftable in Cantha at Vasburg Armory and Leviathan Pits
20 / 20 offhand: Obtained from collectors in Tyria in the Desert & Southern Shiverpeaks or in Cantha but I don't know where
20% Recharge / +5e wand: Green end-game Wayward wand
20 Recharge or Casting / +30 HP offhand: I do not believe these exist as anything but golds, as a substitue I suggest sticking with the 20/20 offhand or try the collectable +15e-1regen / +30hp



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Oofus
Personaly I prefer a 20 Recharge / 20 Casting wand and a 20 Recharge /20 Casting offhand for my nuker under most circumstances. When i need more health and energy I will use the 20% Recharge / +5e^50 wand with a 20% Recharge(or 20% Casting depending on my mood) / +30 health ofhand.

I do not recomend the Kindlerock, +1(20%) is prety much useless compared to other choices you can make.

If money is an issue then all but the last on this list can be found as blues or greens:
20 / 20 wand: Craftable in Cantha at Vasburg Armory and Leviathan Pits
20 / 20 offhand: Obtained from collectors in Tyria in the Desert & Southern Shiverpeaks or in Cantha but I don't know where
20% Recharge / +5e wand: Green end-game Wayward wand
20 Recharge or Casting / +30 HP offhand: I do not believe these exist as anything but golds, as a substitue I suggest sticking with the 20/20 offhand or try the collectable +15e-1regen / +30hp
Money is not an issue if it's under 150K. So hit me with the best!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Cold Hard [CASH]

Originally Posted by Warpy
Money is not an issue if it's under 150K. So hit me with the best!
Those are the best stats in my oppinion, what color you choose to get them in is entirely up to you and your accountant. However finding those stats in gold for under 150k each will be difficult if not impossible, even with high reqs.

Another excellent and cost effective alternative would be Rago's Staff, runs about 60k I think and has 20%/20%, +5energy, 20% longer enchantments




Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Oofus
20 Recharge or Casting / +30 HP offhand: I do not believe these exist as anything but golds, as a substitue I suggest sticking with the 20/20 offhand or try the collectable +15e-1regen / +30hp
The Straw Effigy endgame green has 20% recharge/+30 hp for almost all the caster lines.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Cold Hard [CASH]

Originally Posted by Savio
The Straw Effigy endgame green has 20% recharge/+30 hp for almost all the caster lines.
Ahh there ya go. The whole lot in blues and greens. All 4 pieces will run you about 40-60k, add in Rago's staff to finnish off the collection and your at under 150k total for everything.