now please dont roast me for not surching( i would have biut i wasnt sure how to word it in surch)
any way im in the last mison b4 u chose what faction ur goign to. and well is there any way u can go to one then back to the other???. cos i no its got to b possible because ogf the rpotector of cantha title. i would liek to know cos im after caping every monk elite, and some r only get able in luxon areas and soem in kurzuk
please show hhow you go by this. thanx
a little help in factions
You can do both sides. When you do the quest you get factions pts, as long as you don't clame them for amber/jade you should be fine. But if you do that, they will take off from the other side. But to get into other missions you need to get 10k faction pts which isn't hard. i hope this helps.